I have been struggling to get port 8333 open all year,

After hours of phone calls and messaging AT&T finally told me the truth
of what was going on,

I went through this Comcast involving another port. When they blocked the port I asked them the reason (I referenced their privacy policy that they are supposed to disclose my account info to me). they told me it didn't matter what their privacy policy said, they weren't going to tell me. I then showed up in federal court and testified as to what they were doing. It was a class action lawsuit against them for people who tried to get refunds over bandwidth throttling and I was one of members of the class.

In any event the solution for me was to get a business account rather than a residential account. You get a gateway that you can configure yourself and you can turn off the firewall. As far as I can tell no ports are blocked like residential accounts. The cost was an extra $10/month (unless you get other options like fixed IP and/or increased bandwidth). maybe you can get the data from bitnodes.io to see if any ISP is blocking nodes. Maybe stats could be posted based on ISP. I have been running a node through that account for awhile now https://getaddr.bitnodes.io/nodes/


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