On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Jorge Timón
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>> Some altcoins (LTC and FTC for example) have the same genesis block hash.
> That's obviously a design mistake in FTC, but it's not unsolvable. FTC could
> move their genesis block to the next block (or the first one that is not
> identical to LTC's).
> Bitcoin and all its test chains have different genesis blocks, so I'm not
> sure FTC should be a concern for a BIP anyway...

That's a very sweeping generalisation indeed. Why should two chains
have to have a separate genesis? It's cleaner, but it's certainly not
a necessity. You cant exclude this case just because it doesn't fit
your concept of neat and tidy. Other BIP proposals that account for
alternative chains do not rely on the genesis hash, but instead an
identifier. Why should it be any different here? How would you account
for a world with XTCoin and Bitcoin which would also share the same
genesis hash, but clearly not be the same coin.

When I brought up the issue originally, I deliberately steered away
from altchains choosing to focus on networks like mainnet, testnet
because I think it's easier to repurpose a protocol for an altcoin
than it is to make the proposal work for all cases. Take the payment
protocol for example. The BIP specifies a URI with bitcoin: well it's
just as easy to repurpose that for litecoin: etc than adding something
like ?cointype=litecoin, so that was my reason for not mentioning
altcoins at all.

If the proposal is made to account for altcoins, genesis hash is
definitely not desirable, or at least not genesis hash in isolation,
and if that's the case, better to have an identifier.
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