Why not allow two options:

1/ a default RocksDB/SQLite/LevelDB (whatever is decided)
2/ alternative provide instructions for connection to any other rdbms using odbc or jdbc.

Why not allowing async disk writes or incredibly fast database systems if someone wants to have a node in a very fast datacenter or connected with their existing leveraged dataservers. It is the traditional approach to just use the open standard for database connectivity.

Any person or any organization would just need to have one machine with their bitcoin node with a rdbms client installed (SAP Sybase client, or oracle client, or microsoft). The bitcoin node would just store their data using the odbc/jdbc protocol on ANY rdbms installed anywhere in their organization (other machine or the same). They would just need to issue a "create table" with a very simple table structure and they would benefit from async and indexes and using their already licensed, and configured system of their choosing, with bitcoin information being available to thousands of software packages and available aswell to thousands of programmers that work with rdbms and not just "RocksDB" or some obscure database system.

Why not "outsource" totally that data management part to the already existing with decades of experience database world. People would be able to create incredibly easy bitcoin statistics/graphs/analisys with existing software packages (hey even excel or libreoffice like) or connect bitcoin data to their own sources and if so they chose analyze bitcoin data on a datawarehouse or any imaginable approach. Of course every transaction would be have to do through the bitcoin node and only the data management would be on rdbms side.

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