So just because other attacks are possible we should weaken the crypto
we use? You may feel comfortable weakening crypto used to protect a few
billion dollars of other peoples' money, but I dont.

On 01/07/16 23:39, Gavin Andresen via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Thanks, Ethan, that's helpful and I'll stop thinking that collision
> attacks require 2^(n/2) memory...
> So can we quantify the incremental increase in security of
> SHA256(SHA256) over RIPEMD160(SHA256) versus the incremental increase in
> security of having a simpler implementation of segwitness?
> I'm going to claim that the difference in the first case is very, very,
> very small-- the risk of an implementation error caused by having
> multiple ways of interpreting the segwitness hash in the scriptPubKey is
> much, much greater.
> And even if there IS some risk of collision attack now or at some point
> in the future, I claim that it is easy for wallets to mitigate that
> risk. In fact, the principle of security in depth means wallets that
> don't completely control the scriptPubKeys they're creating on behalf of
> users SHOULD be coded to mitigate that risk (e.g. not allowing arbitrary
> data around a user's public key in a Script so targeted substring
> attacks are eliminated entirely).
> Purely from a security point of view, I think a single 20-byte
> segwitness in the scriptPubKey is the best design.
> "Keep the design as simple and small as possible"
> Add in the implied capacity increase of smaller scriptPubKeys and I
> still think it is a no-brainer.
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Ethan Heilman <
> <>> wrote:
>     >Ethan:  your algorithm will find two arbitrary values that collide. That 
> isn't useful as an attack in the context we're talking about here (both of 
> those values will be useless as coin destinations with overwhelming 
> probability).
>     I'm not sure exactly the properties you want here and determining
>     these properties is not an easy task, but the case is far worse than
>     just two random values. For instance: (a). with a small modification
>     my algorithm can also find collisions containing targeted substrings,
>     (b). length extension attacks are possible with RIPEMD160.
>     (a). targeted cycles:
>     target1 = "str to prepend"
>     target2 = "str to end with"
>     seed = {0,1}^160
>     x = hash(seed)
>     for i in 2^80:
>     ....x = hash(target1||x||target2)
>     x_final = x
>     y = hash(tartget1||x_final||target2)
>     for j in 2^80:
>     ....if y == x_final:
>     ........print "cycle len: "+j
>     ........break
>     ....y = hash(target1||y||target2)
>     If a collision is found, the two colliding inputs must both start with
>     "str to prepend" and end with the phrase "str to end with". As before
>     this only requires 2^81.5 computations and no real memory. For an
>     additional 2**80 an adversary has an good change of finding two
>     different targeted substrings which collide. Consider the case where
>     the attacker mixes the targeted strings with the hash output:
>     hash("my name is=0x329482039483204324423"+x[1]+", my favorite number
>     is="+x) where x[1] is the first bit of x.
>     (b). length extension attacks
>     Even if all the adversary can do is create two random values that
>     collide, you can append substrings to the input and get collisions.
>     Once you find two random values hash(x) = hash(y), you could use a
>     length extension attack on RIPEMD-160 to find hash(x||z) = hash(y||z).
>     Now the bitcoin wiki says:
>     "The padding scheme is identical to MD4 using Merkle–Damgård
>     strengthening to prevent length extension attacks."[1]
>     Which is confusing to me because:
>     1. MD4 is vulnerable to length extension attacks
>     2. Merkle–Damgård strengthening does not protect against length
>     extension: "Indeed, we already pointed out that none of the 64
>     variants above can withstand the 'extension' attack on the MAC
>     application, even with the Merkle-Damgard strengthening" [2]
>     3. RIPEMD-160 is vulnerable to length extension attacks, is Bitcoin
>     using a non-standard version of RIPEMD-160.
>     RIPEMD160(SHA256()) does not protect against length extension attacks
>     on SHA256, but should protect RIPEMD-160 against length extension
>     attacks as RIPEMD-160 uses 512-bit message blocks. That being said we
>     should be very careful here. Research has been done that shows that
>     cascading the same hash function twice is weaker than using HMAC[3]. I
>     can't find results on cascading RIPEMD160(SHA256()).
>     RIPEMD160(SHA256()) seems better than RIPEMD160() though, but security
>     should not rest on the notion that an attacker requires 2**80 memory,
>     many targeted collision attacks can work without much memory.
>     [1]:
>     [2]: "Merkle-Damgard Revisited: How to Construct a Hash Function"
>     [3]:
>     On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Gavin Andresen via bitcoin-dev
>     <
>     <>> wrote:
>     > Maybe I'm asking this question on the wrong mailing list:
>     >
>     > Matt/Adam: do you have some reason to think that RIPEMD160 will be
>     broken
>     > before SHA256?
>     > And do you have some reason to think that they will be so broken
>     that the
>     > nested hash construction RIPEMD160(SHA256()) will be vulnerable?
>     >
>     > Adam: re: "where to stop"  :  I'm suggesting we stop exactly at
>     the current
>     > status quo, where we use RIPEMD160 for P2SH and P2PKH.
>     >
>     > Ethan:  your algorithm will find two arbitrary values that
>     collide. That
>     > isn't useful as an attack in the context we're talking about here
>     (both of
>     > those values will be useless as coin destinations with overwhelming
>     > probability).
>     >
>     > Dave: you described a first preimage attack, which is 2**160 cpu
>     time and no
>     > storage.
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > --
>     > Gavin Andresen
>     >
>     > _______________________________________________
>     > bitcoin-dev mailing list
>     >
>     <>
>     >
>     >
> -- 
> --
> Gavin Andresen
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