On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 01:51:24PM -0500, Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> While Pieter Wuille's segwit branch(1) doesn't yet implement a fix for
> the above problem, the obvious thing to do is to add a new service bit
> such as NODE_SEGWIT, and/or bump the protocol version, and for outgoing
> peers only connect to peers with segwit support.

If I'm following the code right, the segwit branch has a fHaveWitness
flag for each connection, which is set when a HAVEWITNESS message comes
from the peer, and HAVEWITNESS is sent as part of handshaking. BIP144
suggests maybe this should be changed to a service bit though:


If you've got a limit of 8 outgoing connections and >4 of them don't
support witnesses, would it be enough to just drop a non-witness
connection and try a new one? Or is anything less than 8 of 8 outgoing
witness supporting connections likely to be bad for the network?

> Future Upgrades
> ===============
> Segwit isn't going to be the last thing that adds new block data. For
> example, my own prev-block-proof proposal(3) requires that blocks commit
> to another tree, which itself is calculated using a nonce that must be
> passed along with the block data. (U)TXO commitments are another
> possible future example.

Commitments to a merkle sum tree of transaction bytes, sigops, sighash
bytes, fees, priority, etc for small fraud proofs also fit here,
don't they?

> Unfortunately, this means that the next soft-fork upgrade to add
> additional data will have the above relaying problem all over again!

This isn't necessarily true -- you could just make the coinbase witness
nonce become HASH(newinformation | newnonce), and put newnonce back into
the coinbase as an additional OP_RETURN, so that it can be verified.

If you want to have layered soft-forks adding new commitments, I think
you have to keep adding 32 byte hashed nonces; dropping them would be
a hard fork as far as I can see. So if there might eventually be three
or four of them, putting them in the witness block rather than the base
block seems sensible to me.

> Proposal: Unvalidated Block Extension Data
> ==========================================
> 1) Remove the restriction that the coinbase witness contain exactly one
>    32byte value.


If the linked list approach in BIP141 is used, then I think the logic
could be something like this:

 * suppose there have been a few soft-forks and the coinbase witness
   now handles three commitments: segwit, prevblockproof, fraudproofs

 * then the coinbase witness stack should have at least 3 32-byte
   values pushed on it, which should evaluate to:

     s[1] = HASH( fraudproof-info ; s[2] )
     s[0] = HASH( prevblockproof-info ; s[1] )

   and the coinbase should include

     OP_RETURN SHA256d( segwit-info ; s[0] )

 * old segwit code works fine (assuming the stack.size() != 1 check is
   changed to == 0), just treating s[0] as a meaningless nonce

 * old prevblockproof supporting nodes check s[0], treating s[1] as a
   meaningless nonce, but still validating the prevblock proofs

 * nodes running the latest code validate all three checks, and will
   continue to work if new checks are soft-forked in later

> 2) Hash the contents of the coinbase witness (e.g. as a merkle tree) and
>    commit them in place of the current nonce commitment.

But I think this seems just as good, and a fair bit simpler. ie with the
same three commitments, the coinbase witness contains:

     s[2] = nonce
     s[1] = fraudproof-info-hash
     s[0] = prevblockproof-info-hash

and coinbase includes:

     OP_RETURN SHA256d( HASH(segwit-info) ; s[0] ; s[1] ; s[2] ; ... )

I'm not sure if the use of a nonce has any value if done this way.

With this apporach, the commitments could be ordered arbitrarily --
you only have to check that "fraudproof-info-hash" is somewhere on the
stack of the coinbase witness, not that it's s[1] in particular.

I think it makes sense to plan on cleaning these up with infrequent
hard forks, eg one that combines the transactions hashMerkleRoot
and the witnessMerkleRoot and the fraudProofMerkleSumRoot and the
prevBLockProofHash into a single entry in the block header, but being
able to add features with soft-forks in the meantime seems like a win.

> 3) Include that data in the blocksize limit (to prevent abuse).

Including it in the coinbase witness already includes it in the blocksize
limit, albeit discounted, no? If someone wants to propose a soft-fork
adding 500kB of extra consensus-critical data to each block for some
reason, sticking it in the coinbase witness seems about the least
offensive way to do it?

> Secondly, does using the coinbase witness for this really make sense?

If you look at the witness as a proof of "this is why it's okay to
accept this transaction" in general, and the coinbase witness is "this
is why it's okay to accept this block", then including prevblock proofs
and fraud proof info in the coinbase witness seems pretty logical... Or
at least, it does to me.

This topic seems to be being discussed in a PR on the segwit branch:


where there's a proposal to have the coinbase witness include the merkle
path to the segwit data, so, if I understand it right, the coinbase
commitment might be:

  OP_RETURN Hash( s[0] || Hash( Hash( s[2] || segwit-data ) || s[1] ) )

if the path to the segwit data happened to be right-left-right. That
would still make it hard to work out the path to some proof that happened
to be in position right-right-left, though, so it seems inferior to the
approaches described above to me...


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