Hi Henning,

1. The fees are paid by the enclosing BTC transaction.
2. The hash is encoded into an OP_RETURN.

> Regarding the blinding factor, I think you could just use HMAC.
How exactly?


2016-08-08 18:47 GMT+03:00 Henning Kopp <henning.k...@uni-ulm.de>:

> Hi Tony,
> I see some issues in your protocol.
> 1. How are mining fees handled?
> 2. Assume Alice sends Bob some Coins together with their history and
> Bob checks that the history is correct. How does the hash of the txout
> find its way into the blockchain?
> Regarding the blinding factor, I think you could just use HMAC.
> All the best
> Henning
> On Mon, Aug 08, 2016 at 06:30:21PM +0300, Tony Churyumoff via bitcoin-dev
> wrote:
> > This is a proposal about hiding the entire content of bitcoin
> > transactions.  It goes farther than CoinJoin and ring signatures, which
> > only obfuscate the transaction graph, and Confidential Transactions,
> which
> > only hide the amounts.
> >
> > The central idea of the proposed design is to hide the entire inputs and
> > outputs, and publish only the hash of inputs and outputs in the
> > blockchain.  The hash can be published as OP_RETURN.  The plaintext of
> > inputs and outputs is sent directly to the payee via a private message,
> and
> > never goes into the blockchain.  The payee then calculates the hash and
> > looks it up in the blockchain to verify that the hash was indeed
> published
> > by the payer.
> >
> > Since the plaintext of the transaction is not published to the public
> > blockchain, all validation work has to be done only by the user who
> > receives the payment.
> >
> > To protect against double-spends, the payer also has to publish another
> > hash, which is the hash of the output being spent.  We’ll call this hash
> *spend
> > proof*.  Since the spend proof depends solely on the output being spent,
> > any attempt to spend the same output again will produce exactly the same
> > spend proof, and the payee will be able to see that, and will reject the
> > payment.  If there are several outputs consumed by the same transaction,
> > the payer has to publish several spend proofs.
> >
> > To prove that the outputs being spent are valid, the payer also has to
> send
> > the plaintexts of the earlier transaction(s) that produced them, then the
> > plaintexts of even earlier transactions that produced the outputs spent
> in
> > those transactions, and so on, up until the issue (similar to coinbase)
> > transactions that created the initial private coins.  Each new owner of
> the
> > coin will have to store its entire history, and when he spends the coin,
> he
> > forwards the entire history to the next owner and extends it with his own
> > transaction.
> >
> > If we apply the existing bitcoin design that allows multiple inputs and
> > multiple outputs per transaction, the history of ownership transfers
> would
> > grow exponentially.  Indeed, if we take any regular bitcoin output and
> try
> > to track its history back to coinbase, our history will branch every time
> > we see a transaction that has more than one input (which is not
> uncommon).
> > After such a transaction (remember, we are traveling back in time), we’ll
> > have to track two or more histories, for each respective input.  Those
> > histories will branch again, and the total number of history entries
> grows
> > exponentially.  For example, if every transaction had exactly two inputs,
> > the size of history would grow as 2^N where N is the number of steps back
> > in history.
> >
> > To avoid such rapid growth of ownership history (which is not only
> > inconvenient to move, but also exposes too much private information about
> > previous owners of all the contributing coins), we will require each
> > private transaction to have exactly one input (i.e. to consume exactly
> one
> > previous output).  This means that when we track a coin’s history back in
> > time, it will no longer branch.  It will grow linearly with the number of
> > transfers of ownership.  If a user wants to combine several inputs, he
> will
> > have to send them as separate private transactions (technically, several
> > OP_RETURNs, which can be included in a single regular bitcoin
> transaction).
> >
> > Thus, we are now forbidding any coin merges but still allowing coin
> > splits.  To avoid ultimate splitting into the dust, we will also require
> > that all private coins be issued in one of a small number of
> > denominations.  Only integer number of “banknotes” can be transferred,
> the
> > input and output amounts must therefore be divisible by the denomination.
> > For example, an input of amount 700, denomination 100, can be split into
> > outputs 400 and 300, but not into 450 and 250.  To send a payment, the
> > payer has to pick the unspent outputs of the highest denomination first,
> > then the second highest, and so on, like we already do when we pay in
> cash.
> >
> > With fixed denominations and one input per transaction, coin histories
> > still grow, but only linearly, which should not be a concern in regard to
> > scalability given that all relevant computing resources still grow
> > exponentially.  The histories need to be stored only by the current owner
> > of the coin, not every bitcoin node.  This is a fairer allocation of
> > costs.  Regarding privacy, coin histories do expose private transactions
> > (or rather parts thereof, since a typical payment will likely consist of
> > several transactions due to one-input-per-transaction rule) of past coin
> > owners to the future ones, and that exposure grows linearly with time,
> but
> > it is still much much better than having every transaction immediately on
> > the public blockchain.  Also, the value of this information for potential
> > adversaries arguably decreases with time.
> >
> > There is one technical nuance that I omitted above to avoid distraction.
> >  Unlike regular bitcoin transactions, every output in a private payment
> > must also include a blinding factor, which is just a random string.  When
> > the output is spent, the corresponding spend proof will therefore depend
> on
> > this blinding factor (remember that spend proof is just a hash of the
> > output).  Without a blinding factor, it would be feasible to pre-image
> the
> > spend proof and reveal the output being spent as the search space of all
> > possible outputs is rather small.
> >
> > To issue the new private coin, one can burn regular BTC by sending it to
> > one of several unspendable bitcoin addresses, one address per
> denomination.
> >  Burning BTC would entitle one to an equal amount of the new private
> coin,
> > let’s call it *black bitcoin*, or *BBC*.
> >
> > Then BBC would be transferred from user to user by:
> > 1. creating a private transaction, which consists of one input and
> several
> > outputs;
> > 2. storing the hash of the transaction and the spend proof of the
> consumed
> > output into the blockchain in an OP_RETURN (the sender pays the
> > corresponding fees in regular BTC)
> > 3. sending the transaction, together with the history leading to its
> input,
> > directly to the payee over a private communication channel.  The first
> > entry of the history must be a bitcoin transaction that burned BTC to
> issue
> > an equal amount of BCC.
> >
> > To verify the payment, the payee:
> > 1. makes sure that the amount of the input matches the sum of outputs,
> and
> > all are divisible by the denomination
> > 2. calculates the hash of the private transaction
> > 3. looks up an OP_RETURN that includes this hash and is signed by the
> > payee.  If there is more than one, the one that comes in the earlier
> block
> > prevails.
> > 4. calculates the spend proof and makes sure that it is included in the
> > same OP_RETURN
> > 5. makes sure the same spend proof is not included anywhere in the same
> or
> > earlier blocks (that is, the coin was not spent before).  Only
> transactions
> > by the same author are searched.
> > 6. repeats the same steps for every entry in the history, except the
> first
> > entry, which should be a valid burning transaction.
> >
> > To facilitate exchange of private transaction data, the bitcoin network
> > protocol can be extended with a new message type.  Unfortunately, it
> lacks
> > encryption, hence private payments are really private only when bitcoin
> is
> > used over tor.
> >
> > There are a few limitations that ought to be mentioned:
> > 1. After user A sends a private payment to user B, user A will know what
> > the spend proof is going to be when B decides to spend the coin.
> >  Therefore, A will know when the coin was spent by B, but nothing more.
> >  Neither the new owner of the coin, nor its future movements will be
> known
> > to A.
> > 2. Over time, larger outputs will likely be split into many smaller
> > outputs, whose amounts are not much greater than their denominations.
> > You’ll have to combine more inputs to send the same amount.  When you
> want
> > to send a very large amount that is much greater than the highest
> available
> > denomination, you’ll have to send a lot of private transactions, your
> > bitcoin transaction with so many OP_RETURNs will stand out, and their
> > number will roughly indicate the total amount.  This kind of privacy
> > leakage, however it applies to a small number of users, is easy to avoid
> by
> > using multiple addresses and storing a relatively small amount on each
> > address.
> > 3. Exchanges and large merchants will likely accumulate large coin
> > histories.  Although fragmented, far from complete, and likely outdated,
> it
> > is still something to bear in mind.
> >
> > No hard or soft fork is required, BBC is just a separate privacy
> preserving
> > currency on top of bitcoin blockchain, and the same private keys and
> > addresses are used for both BBC and the base currency BTC.  Every BCC
> > transaction must be enclosed into by a small BTC transaction that stores
> > the OP_RETURNs and pays for the fees.
> >
> > Are there any flaws in this design?
> >
> > Originally posted to BCT https://bitcointalk.org/index.
> php?topic=1574508.0,
> > but got no feedback so far, apparently everybody was consumed with
> bitfinex
> > drama and now mimblewimble.
> >
> > Tony
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> > bitcoin-dev mailing list
> > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
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> --
> Henning Kopp
> Institute of Distributed Systems
> Ulm University, Germany
> Office: O27 - 3402
> Phone: +49 731 50-24138
> Web: http://www.uni-ulm.de/in/vs/~kopp
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