Thank you for your time Gregory, I really appreciate that.

What we are describing here is a method to embed cryptographic signatures
into a public key based on HD Wallets - BIP32.
In a practical application, we should have two cryptographic signatures
from both sides, I don't think in that case your scenario would be an issue.

More specifically in our application, we do the following construction:

contract base: m/200'/0'/<contract_number>'
payment base (merchant commitment):
payment address (customer commitment):

payment address funds could be reclaimed only if the
customer_contract_signature is provided by the customer.

In terms of durability, our app is pretty simple at this point, we don't
store anything, we let customer download and manage the files.

I will update the BIP to address your concerns.

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 8:12 AM, Gregory Maxwell <> wrote:

> This construction appears to me to be completely insecure.
> Say my pubkey (the result of the derivation path) is P.
> We agree to contract C1.   A payment is made to P + G*H(C1).
> But in secret, I constructed contract C2 and pubkey Q and set P = Q +
> G*H(C2).
> Now I can take that payment (paid to Q + G*(C1) + G*H(C2)) and assert
> it was in act a payment to P' + G*H(C2).   (P' is simply Q + G*H(C1))
> I don't see anything in the proposal that addresses this. Am I missing it?
> The applications are also not clear to me, and it doesn't appear to
> address durability issues (how do you avoid losing your funds if you
> lose the exact contract?).
> On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 6:05 AM, omar shibli via bitcoin-dev
> <> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > A lot of us familiar with the pay to contract protocol, and how it uses
> > cleverly the homomorphic property of elliptic curve encryption system to
> > achieve it.
> > Unfortunately, there is no standard specification on how to conduct such
> > transactions in the cyberspace.
> >
> > We have developed a basic trade finance application that relies on the
> > original idea described in the Homomorphic Payment Addresses and the
> > Pay-to-Contract Protocol paper, yet we have generalized it and made it
> BIP43
> > complaint.
> >
> > We would like to share our method, and get your feedback about it,
> hopefully
> > this effort will result into a standard for the benefit of the community.
> >
> > Abstract idea:
> >
> > We define the following levels in BIP32 path.
> > m / purpose' / coin_type' / contract_id' / *
> >
> > contract_id is is an arbitrary number within the valid range of indices.
> >
> > Then we define, contract base as following prefix:
> > m / purpose' / coin_type' / contract_id'
> >
> > contract commitment address is computed as follows:
> > hash document using cryptographic hash function of your choice (e.g.
> blake2)
> > map hash to partial derivation path
> > Convert hash to binary array.
> > Partition the array into parts, each part length should be 16.
> > Convert each part to integer in decimal format.
> > Convert each integer to string.
> > Join all strings with slash `/`.
> > compute child public key by chaining the derivation path from step 2 with
> > contract base:
> > m/<contract_base>/<hash_derivation_path>
> > compute address
> > Example:
> >
> > master private extended key:
> > xprv9s21ZrQH143K2JF8RafpqtKiTbsbaxEeUaMnNHsm5o6wCW3z8ySyH4Ux
> FVSfZ8n7ESu7fgir8imbZKLYVBxFPND1pniTZ81vKfd45EHKX73
> > coin type: 0
> > contract id: 7777777
> >
> > contract base computation :
> >
> > derivation path:
> > m/999'/0'/7777777'
> > contract base public extended key:
> > xpub6CMCS9rY5GKdkWWyoeXEbmJmxGgDcbihofyARxucufdw7k3oc1JNnnii
> D5H2HynKBwhaem4KnPTue6s9R2tcroqkHv7vpLFBgbKRDwM5WEE
> >
> > Contract content:
> > foo
> >
> > Contract sha256 signature:
> > 2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae
> >
> > Contract partial derivation path:
> > 11302/46187/26879/50831/63899/17724/7472/16692/4930/11632/
> 25731/49056/63882/24200/25190/59310
> >
> > Contract commitment pub key path:
> > m/999'/0'/7777777'/11302/46187/26879/50831/63899/17724/
> 7472/16692/4930/11632/25731/49056/63882/24200/25190/59310
> > or
> > <contract_base_extended_pub_key>/11302/46187/26879/50831/
> 63899/17724/7472/16692/4930/11632/25731/49056/63882/24200/25190/59310
> >
> > Contract commitment pub key:
> > xpub6iQVNpbZxdf9QJC8mGmz7cd3Cswt2itcQofZbKmyka5jdvQKQCqYSDFj
> 8KCmRm4GBvcQW8gaFmDGAfDyz887msEGqxb6Pz4YUdEH8gFuaiS
> >
> > Contract commitment address:
> > 17yTyx1gXPPkEUN1Q6Tg3gPFTK4dhvmM5R
> >
> >
> > You can find the full BIP draft in the following link:
> >
> protocol-specification/blob/master/bip-draft.mediawiki
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Omar
> >
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> > bitcoin-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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