> On Oct 1, 2017, at 2:32 PM, Johnson Lau <jl2...@xbt.hk> wrote:
> So there are 3 proposals with similar goal but different designs. I try to 
> summarise some questions below:
> 1. How do we allow further upgrade within v1 witness? Here are some options:
> a. Minor version in witness. (Johnson / Luke) I prefer this way, but we may 
> end up with many minor versions.

I'm not sure I agree with the "minor version" nomenclature, or that we would 
necessarily end up with any consensus-visible fields beyond 2.  There are two 
separate soft-fork version fields that were, I think it is fair to say now, 
inappropriately merged in the "script version” feature of segregated witness as 
described in BIP141.

First there is the witness type, which combined with the length of the 
commitment that follows specifies how data from the witness stack is used to 
calculate/verify the witness commitment in the scriptPubKey of the output being 
spent.  For v0 with a 20-byte hash, it says that those 20 bytes are the HASH160 
of the top element of the stack.  For v0 with a 32-byte hash, it says that 
those 32 bytes are the HASH256 of the top element of the stack.

Second there is the script version, which is not present as a separate field 
for witness type v0.  Implicitly though, the script version for v0,20-byte is 
that the witness consists of two elements, and these are interpreted as a 
pubkey and a signature.  For v0,32-byte the script version is that the witness 
consists of 1 or more elements; with max 520 byte size constraints for all but 
the top element, which has a higher limit of 10,000 bytes; and the top-most 
element is interpreted as a script and executed with the modified CHECKSIG 
behavior defined by BIP141 and the CLEANSTACK rule enforced.

These are separate roles, one not being derivative of the other.  In an ideal 
world the witness type (of which there are only 16 remaining without obsoleting 
BIP141) is used only to specify a new function for transforming the witness 
stack into a commitment for verification purposes.  Merklized script would be 
one example: v2,32-byte could be defined to require a witness stack of at least 
two elements, the top most of which is a Merkle inclusion proof of the second 
item in a tree whose root is given in the 32-byte payload of the output.  Maybe 
v3 would prove inclusion by means of some sort of RSA accumulator or something.

Such a specification says nothing about the features of the subscript drawn 
from the Merkle tree, or even whether it is bitcoin script at all vs something 
else (Simplicity, DEX, RISC-V, Joy, whatever).  All that is necessary is that a 
convention be adopted about where to find the script version from whatever data 
is left on the stack after doing the witness type check (hashing the script, 
calculating a Merkle root, checking inclusion in an RSA accumulator, whatever). 
 A simple rule is that it is serialized and prefixed to the beginning of the 
string that was checked against the commitment in the output.

So v0,32-byte says that the top item is hashed and that hash must match the 
32-byte value in the output.  This new v1,32-byte witness type being talked 
about in this thread would have exactly the same hashing rules, but will 
execute the resulting string based on its prefix, the script version, which is 
first removed before execution.

Sure first script version used could be a cleaned up script with a bunch of the 
weirdness removed (CHECKMULTISIG, I'm looking at you!); CLTV, CSV, and MBV drop 
arguments; disabled opcodes and unassigned NOPs become "return true"; etc.  
Maybe v2 adds new opcodes.  But we can imagine script version that do something 
totally different, like introduce a new script based on a strongly-typed 
Merklized lambda calculus, or a RISC-V executable format, or whatever.

This has pragmatic implications with the separation of witness type and script 
version: we could then define a "MAST" output that proves the script used is 
drawn from a set represented by the Merkle tree.  However different scripts in 
that tree can use different versions.  It would be useful if the most common 
script is the key aggregated everyone-signs outcome, which looks like a regular 
bitcoin payment, and then contingency cases can be handled by means of a 
complicated script written in some newly added general computation language or 
a whole emulated RISC-V virtual machine.

> b. OP_RETURNTRUE (Luke). I proposed this in an earlier version of BIP114 but 
> now I think it doesn’t interact well with signature aggregation, and I worry 
> that it would have some other unexpected effects.
> c. Generalised NOP method: user has to provide the returned value, so even 
> VERIFY-type code could do anything

I see no reason to do either. Gate new behavior based on script execution 
flags, which are set based on the script version.  Script versions not 
understood are treated as "return true" to begin with.  The interpreter isn't 
even going to try to decode the script according to the old rules, let alone 
try to execute it, so there's no reason for the old soft-fork compatability 

The new soft-fork trick is that you increment the script version number.  That 
is all.

> 2. Do we want to allow signature-time commitment of extra scripts?
> I think all proposals allow this, just with different way
> a. Tail-call semantics with CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (Mark). I think this is too 
> rigid as it works only with specially designed scriptPubKey

This is not signature-time commitment of extra script. Not without 
CHECKSIGFROMSTACK or something like it.

> b. scriptWitCode: extra scripts are put in some fixed location in witness 
> (Johnson). This makes sure static analysability.
> c. Extra-data as script in OP_CHECKSIG (Luke)

Propose these as their own script updates.  Script versioning makes such new 
features cheap.  There's no reason to create some sort of complex omnibus 
overhaul that does everything.

> 3. Do we want to allow static analysis of sigop?
> BIP114 and the related proposals are specifically designed to allow static 
> analysis of sigop. I think this was one of the main reason of OP_EVAL not 
> being accepted. This was also the main reason of Ethereum failing to do a DAO 
> hacker softfork, leading to the ETH/ETC split. I’m not sure if we really want 
> to give up this property. Once we do it, we have to support it forever.

Again, this is off-topic for this thread.  I don't think a v1 witness type 
upgrade should do any of these things.  The v1 witness type should add a proper 
script version in the witness, and remove or simplify limits or unnecessary 
verification rules that are no longer necessary and/or hindering progress.  
That’s it.

For example, I don't think a v1 witness version should be coupled with my 
tail-call semantics or the introduction of MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY (but if MBV was 
released already we could have it drop its arguments, which would be nice).  
However it should drop the CLEANSTACK rule in favor of something else (like 
signatures committing to the witness depth and/or weight) since the tail-call 
BIP demonstrates it to be an impediment to extensibility and alternatives are 
not.  And it should drop the 520 byte push limitation, as the MBV BIP 
demonstrates use cases that have serialized proofs larger than that, like a 
k-of-N threshold with N=16.
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