He can use pruning to only store the last X MB of the blockchain. It
will store the UTXO set though, which is a couple of GBs. In total, a
pruned node with pruning set to 1000 MB ends up using 4.5 GB
currently, but it varies slightly due to the # of UTXOs in existence.

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 9:56 AM, Segue via bitcoin-dev
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> On 3/17/18, someone posted on the Lightning-dev list, "Can I try Lightning
> without running a fully-fledged bitcoin block chain? (Yubin Ruan)."  The
> inquirer was asking because he didn't have much space to store the entire
> blockchain on his laptop.
> I replied:
> "Developers,
> On THIS note and slightly off-topic but relevant, why can't chunks of
> blockchain peel off the backend periodically and be archived, say on minimum
> of 150 computers across 7 continents?
> It seems crazy to continue adding on to an increasingly long chain to
> infinity if the old chapters (i.e. more than, say, 2 years old) could be
> stored in an evenly distributed manner across the planet. The same 150
> computers would not need to store every chapter either, just the index would
> need to be widely distributed in order to reconnect with a chapter if
> needed. Then maybe it is no longer a limitation in the future for people
> like Yubin. "
> It was suggested by a couple of lightning developers that I post this idea
> on the bitcoin-dev list.  So, here I post :).
> Segue
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