
I am not sure why this wasn't discussed more but it seemed like a very good
idea to me

QR code is very important for network wide adoption. The problem is bech32
qr code isn't backward compatible and noone is going to show two QR codes.
Everyone is going safe with P2SH address qr code.

Example of proposed URI. I want not sure of technically best encoding, but
this is just for ideas


As merchants/exchanges adopt this QR code, wallets that support bech32 can
chose to autopay to bech32 address  (for lower tx fee). This can create a
network effect as more people start using bech32 and when we reach enough
wallet adoption, people can shift to just showing bech32 QR codes

Shiva S
CEO @ Blockonomics <https://www.blockonomics.co>
Decentralized and Permissionless Payments
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