On 27. 01. 19 8:36, rha...@protonmail.com wrote:
> Thanks Adam,
> I have fixed the mistakes you have pointed out: 
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/754
> Thanks for the detailed look!
>> but its virtue of steganographic hiding means only minimal uptake
>> is still enormously interesting and worth pursuing; that's my current 
>> feeling.
> I very much agree =) I really think anything that (silently) breaks the 
> assumption of common ownership of transaction inputs offers outsized benefits 
> for the whole ecosystem.
> One other idea I have  is (way) better support for moving utxo's between 
> wallets. The least controversial use case is moving funds between wallets you 
> own. Like I might want to move *specific* utxo's from/to my joinmarket 
> wallet, but not create a (privacy losing / expensive) transaction. Both core 
> and joinmarket fail at this at a practical point of view.

(tangential, but yes coin control in JM is an obviously necessary
feature and will be done, I just don't have time).

> Like imho it'd be pretty cool having a standardized format for 
> (txid:vout:privatekey) with wallets showing it as "External UTXO" and 
> preferentially spending it (and wallet not automatically importing any other 
> utxo from that address).
> Taken a bit further (this is the part which everyone hates) you could send 
> someone money (or withdraw it from a service) by giving a person. It's not 
> generally useful (for obvious reasons), but there's a lot of cases I think 
> it's super cool.

Is there a missing word. "by giving a person.."? Not actually sure what
you're getting at here but I suspect it's again tangential to this BIP

> ---
> Getting back on topic, without trying to do a point-by-point reply, I agree 
> with pretty much everything you said but I am reluctant to make any changes.
> I don't meant to be obtuse or anything, but I strongly believe the limiting 
> factor to adoption to all these protocols is actually just getting people to 
> implement it. I made multiple implementations of bustapay from both the 
> sending/receiving end, so I could try develop the easiest to implement system 
> that is still practical.

You know, there's considerable evidence to the contrary, I'd argue: this
idea *has* been implemented already three times: by yourself, by myself
and by Samourai. And in fully incompatible ways :) So I think the
limiting factor is in fact creating a standard that a reasonable number
of people could agree with (and I like operational definitions, so
subjective as it is, I like the goal of "good/clear enough that it could
be incorporated into something like BtcPayServer")

> For instance I like PSBT and it's nice in theory. I actually had an original 
> implementation using it, which is how I found some bugs in the core and 
> golang version of PSBT). But in practice it's hugely overkill and 
> significantly increases the implementation complexity complexity and is 
> poorly supported. Switching to just a raw transaction actually made 
> everything easier. (And that's not to criticise PSBT, I would definitely want 
> to use it in other contexts).

But this relates back to my first "generic" point that you haven't
addressed here - protocol versioning and the possibility of more than
one option. Perhaps more realistic (debatable): have the current version
be non-PSBT but with a plan to have a version bump with PSBT in future.
Stuff like that. It seems crazy to actually long term reject it.

> Anyway, a big motivation for me even writing it as a BIP was to formalize my 
> little anti-DOS trick of privately creating a "template transaction" which 
> can just be dumped on the network as punishment. So if nothing else, 
> hopefully I'll have demonstrated it's a pretty practical way of doing things.

I don't want to be that guy, but this was a central part of the proposal
that came of the meetup last summer and is in Haywood's blogpost. I mean
if you came up it with separately, then cool :) But I was there, that
was established immediately as the right way of doing this to avoid a
trivial attack.
What might have confused you is all that stuff about multiple candidates
and even ZKP approaches - those were just extra ideas about making it
really secure at large scale; but those ideas don't quite meet the goal
(for various reasons); well, arguably. The basic anti-DOS of an initial
non-coinjoin was sorta central.
(Also I'm noting you didn't respond to my critique of your "always use
the same contributions" defence; I mean, probably that's fine, it was
only really saying it isn't perfect. Was just curious to hear
your/others thoughts on it).

> --
> Also your analysis on "Unnecessary Input Heuristic" is pretty cool, but I 
> also don't like telling people to "avoid the UIH2" without providing the 
> actual algo they should use. But really I think it's better off in a sort of 
> article "how to pick contributed inputs" or something, as while it's nice 
> it's not a huge deal and there's a lot of debatable tradeoffs that can/should 
> be used. For instance the implementation I wrote for bustabit.com currently 
> just heavily biases tainted inputs (e.g. ones associated with address reuse).

Good point about algo.
I wrote my best effort at a procedure here:

I asked for comments on it but got none back so far (gists are terrible
for this unfortunately, perhaps I'll have more luck on the list).

I would argue that this issue *should* be mentioned on the BIP. A *huge*
part of what makes PayJoin/BustaPay of interest is the steganographic
feature, if you don't pay attention to this then it doesn't look like a
payment (caveat.-->).
The counterargument is Laurent's statistics which I previously linked,
suggesting that maybe 30% of txs violate this anyway, today. I'm not
sure about that, will need more analysis; Core's SRD algo may be one
reason, but anyway ... better to make things look like payments.

It doesn't hurt to prompt an implementer to do this; whether it's
feasible in that specific wallet situation or not is up to them; whether
they want to go hog wild and control percentages of UIH1 and UIH2 and
whatnot is there business, or they can totally ignore it - but without
it being mentioned in the BIP, they may not even think of it.

A last point, you also don't see value in being more explicit about
simple things like transaction version and locktime? Even if you think
these things should *not* be controlled, e.g. the protocol should allow
either transaction version, then it'd be better to explicitly say so.
> -Ryan
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Friday, January 25, 2019 6:47 AM, Adam Gibson via bitcoin-dev 
> <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>> Ryan and list,
>> I want to add some commentary to this (BIP79) to see if we can get
>> further in standardizing this idea.
>> When I first mulled it over I thought it too impractical, but its virtue
>> of steganographic hiding means only minimal uptake is still enormously
>> interesting and worth pursuing; that's my current feeling. I've offered
>> more detailed thoughts in my blog post[1] (def not required reading here).
>> Both Joinmarket and Samourai have started implementing this kind of
>> transaction. And while that's interesting experimentally, some kind of
>> cross-wallet standard would be helpful, albeit there some differences
>> between that and the merchant/centralized service use-case.
>> We might imagine as a concrete goal for this BIP to create something
>> that would be acceptable for inclusion into a project like BTCPayServer,
>> so that it could be used in a realistic use case by smaller bitcoin
>> accepting merchants.
>> Comments to the BIP[2] as follows, with generic comments first, and then
>> specific comments for existing points in the BIP:
>> [1] https://joinmarket.me/blog/blog/payjoin
>> [2] https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0079.mediawiki
>> Generic comments
>> ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
>> -   Protocol versioning. Since inevitably (even if only merchants), this
>>     must be implemented by multiple wallets to be useful, the communication
>>     protocol will need versioning (for example i have in my
>>     simple/experimental Joinmarket PayJoin that sender sends min and max
>>     supported version and receiver responds with a chosen protocol version
>>     so we can update). I do understand that as a client-server model can
>>     apply here, we can ditch a lot of the complexities around network/p2p
>>     interaction, but this much at least seems necessary.
>> -   Although it has its logic, I don't think "Bustapay" is a good name for
>>     this protocol. I prefer "PayJoin" which is neutral sounding and
>>     self-descriptive. Needless to say this is not a hill I intend to die on.
>> -   PSBT/BIP174. I realise this has already been discussed, but this is a
>>     good example of what this standardisation was designed for, so I'd be
>>     against not including it, even given the reality that, as you correctly
>>     observe, it is not yet implemented in the majority of wallets and
>>     libraries. One way round that is to make it optional (possibly combined
>>     with above point about versioning). Note that for example you were
>>     observing the necessity to check the sequence number was unchanged; that
>>     would be encapsulated by checking equality of PSBT Input objects/fields.
>>     While one can make such software architecture arguments, the really
>>     fundamental point is the need for standards for x-wallet compatibility.
>> -   Version, Locktime: Perhaps this is not needed; in a peer to peer
>>     wallet scenario I think there might be logic in trying to get cover
>>     traffic of (Core, Electrum, others), say, by using
>>     last-block-locktime-mostly, as they do. Version should be 2 and sequence
>>     is a function of your suggestion to use BIP125. Worth noting that BIP125
>>     is not currently widely used on the network, though (see
>>     https://p2sh.info/dashboard/db/replace-by-fee?orgId=1). For this reason
>>     it should perhaps be explicitly only optional.
>> -   Avoidance of non-payment "Unnecessary Input Heuristic" (1, 2). For
>>     reference, see the definition here
>> https://gist.github.com/AdamISZ/4551b947789d3216bacfcb7af25e029e#gistcomment-2796539
>>     and some data here
>> https://gist.github.com/AdamISZ/4551b947789d3216bacfcb7af25e029e#gistcomment-2800791
>>     (whole comment thread may be of interest) - note this UIH name is afaik
>>     Chris Belcher's invention, it seems useful as a categorisation.
>>     So, it seems that UIH2 is more important to avoid; while some more
>>     sophisticated wallet coin selection algorithms may occasionally pick
>>     an input set where one input is larger than any output, most won't, and
>>     some in particular never will. So I think the text here should indicate
>>     that *the receiver's contributed input(s) SHOULD be chosen to avoid
>>     triggering the UIH2 heuristic where possible, so that the final payjoin
>>     transaction is maximally plausible as an ordinary payment" or similar.
>>     UIH1 is a nice-to-have (meaning the plausibility extends to two
>>     different (both wrong) payment amounts, but it may not be necessary to
>>     mention it in the BIP.
>>     Specific comments
>>     =================
>>>> ====Step 4. Receiver validates, re-signs, and propagates on the
>> bitcoin network====
>> I believe this should say "Sender" not Receiver. Also for the next
>> sentence, s/receiver/sender/:
>>>> The receiver MUST validate the ''partial transaction'' was changed
>> correctly and non-maliciously (to allow using potentially untrusted
>> communication channels), re-sign its original inputs and propagate the
>> final transaction over the bitcoin network.
>> Your very correct highlighting of the attack vector of "receiver gives
>> sender other inputs belonging to sender to unwittingly sign (described
>> below), should be highlighted here, perhaps with the phrase "re-sign its
>> ORIGINAL inputs" (only!)".
>>>> When the sender is creating a "template transaction" it is done
>> almost identically to creating a normal send, with the exception that
>> only segwit inputs may be used. The sender is also encouraged to use a
>> slightly more aggressive feerate than usual as well as BIP125 (Opt-in
>> Full Replace-by-Fee Signaling), but neither is strictly required.
>> "slightly more aggressive feerate than usual" - this I understand is to
>> make up for receiver contributed utxo, OK.
>> "only segwit inputs" - it certainly makes things simpler. One can work
>> with non-segwit inputs but especially considering (as mentioned below)
>> we really ought to "MUST" the part about matching input types, I tend to
>> agree that non-segwit should be disallowed.
>>>> The receiver must add at least one input to the transaction (the
>> "contributed inputs"). If the receiver has no inputs, it should use a
>> 500 internal server error, so the client can send the transaction as per
>> normal (or try again later).
>> Would it not be much simpler for the server to return a different
>> (non-error) response indicating that it will broadcast the template tx
>> in this case?
>>>> Its generally advised to only add a single contributed input, however
>> they are circumstances where adding more than a single input can be useful.
>> I don't see a good reason to advise the use of only 1 input? (but this
>> will also connect with the above generic comment about "UIH"). I guess
>> it's because of your approach to fees. I'd prefer not to create a
>> limitation here.
>>>> To prevent an attack where a receiver is continually sent variations
>> of the same transaction to enumerate the receivers utxo set, it is
>> essential that the receiver always returns the same contributed inputs
>> when it's seen the same inputs.
>> This is an approach to avoiding this problem which has the virtue of
>> simplicity, but it seems a little problematic. (1) You must keep a
>> mapping of proposed payment utxos to one's proposed contributed input
>> utxos, but (2) how should this be updated if you need to spend the
>> contribution mentioned in (1)? Ironically use of payjoin exacerbates
>> this issue, because it results in a smaller number of utxos being held
>> by the receiver at any one time :) All this considered, I still see the
>> value in your approach, but it might end up with a re-attempted payment
>> being rejected. Certainly the more complex suggested solutions coming
>> out of the summer 2018 coinjoin workshop aren't as practical as this,
>> and may be overkill for small merchants/receivers.
>>>> It is strongly preferable that the receiver makes an effort to pick a
>> contributed input of the same type as the other transaction inputs if
>> possible.
>> I have also thought about this and you could reasonably argue this
>> should be a MUST section in the BIP, that is, if the receiver cannot use
>> inputs of the same type, he should fall back to the template
>> transaction. A mixed-input payjoin/coinjoin is essentially
>> near-perfectly identifiable as such (there is almost zero other usage of
>> multi-type-input transactions), which is a very different thing than a
>> non-identifiable payjoin transaction. That may or may not be OK to the
>> sender. This is debatable though, for sure.
>>>> After adding inputs to the transaction, the receiver generally will
>> want to adjust the output that pays himself by increasing it by the sum
>> of the contributed input amounts (minus any fees he wants to
>> contribute). However the only strict requirement is that the receiver
>> must never add or remove inputs, and must not ever decrease any
>> output amount.
>> "must never add or remove inputs" - did you mean "must never remove
>> inputs"? he surely has to add one! Or, perhaps you mean he must not
>> alter the list of inputs provided by the sender (in which case it should
>> be clarified).
>> "must not decrease any output amount" - I initally disagreed with this
>> but it is a better option than the one I currently chose in Joinmarket
>> payjoin (sender pays all fee as long as receiver utxos are not too
>> much). So this means that the receiver either consciously chooses to not
>> increase the fee, meaning the fee rate may be a bit low (hence your
>> earlier comment about being generous, got it), or contributes via the
>> payout amount. I guess the latter might break merchant software
>> expecting to have amount output fixed and fees determined by change.
>> Regards,
>> Adam Gibson/waxwing
>> On 30. 08. 18 22:24, Ryan Havar via bitcoin-dev wrote:
>>> I've just finished writing an implementing of this, and extremely happy
>>> with how it turned out. So I'd like to go and try go down the path of
>>> more formally describing it and getting some comments and ultimately
>>> encourage its wide-spread use.
>>> ==Abstract==
>>> The way bitcoin transactions are overwhelming used is known to leak more
>>> information than desirable. This has lead to fungibility concerns in bitcoin
>>> and a raise of unreasonably effective blockchain analysis.
>>> Bustapay proposes a simple, practical way to bust these assumptions to
>>> immediate
>>> benefit of the sender and recievers. Furthermore it does so in such a
>>> way that
>>> helps recievers avoid utxo bloat, a constant problem for bitcoin merchants.
>>> ==Copyright==
>>> This BIP is in the public domain.
>>> ==Motivation==
>>> One of the most powerful heuristic's employed by those whose goal is to
>>> undermine
>>> bitcoin's fungiblity has been to assume all inputs of a transaction are
>>> signed by
>>> a single party. In the few cases this assumption does not hold, it is
>>> generally
>>> readibly recognizable (e.g. traditional coinjoins have a very obvious
>>> structure,
>>> or multisig outputs are most frequently validated onchain).
>>> Bustapay requires no changes to bitcoin and creates bitcoin transactions
>>> that are
>>> indistinguishable from normal ones.
>>> It is worth noting that this specification has been intentionally kept
>>> as simple
>>> as possible to encourage adoption. There are almost an endless amount of
>>> extensions
>>> possible but the harder the implementation of clients/server the less
>>> likely it
>>> will ever be done. Should bustapay enjoy widespread adoption, a "v2"
>>> specification
>>> will be created with desired extensions.
>>> ==Specification==
>>> A bustapay payment is made from a sender to a receiver.
>>> Step 1. Sender creates a bitcoin transaction paying the receiver
>>> This transaction must be fully valid, signed and all inputs must use
>>> segwit. This transaction is known as the "template transaction". This
>>> transaction must not be propagated on the bitcoin network.
>>> Step 2. Sender gives the "template transaction" to the receiver
>>> This would generally be done as an HTTP POST. The exact URL to submit it
>>> to could be specified with a bip21 encoded address. Such as
>>> bitcoin:2NABbUr9yeRCp1oUCtVmgJF8HGRCo3ifpTT?bustapay=https://bp.bustabit.com/submit
>>> and the HTTP body should be the raw transaction hex encoded as text.
>>> Step 3. Receiver processes the transaction and returns a partially
>>> signed coinjoin
>>> The receiver validates the transaction is valid, pays himself and is
>>> eligible for propation. The receiver then adds one of his own inputs
>>> (known as the "contributed input") and increase the output that pays
>>> himself by the contributed input amount. Doing so will invalidate the
>>> "template transaction"'s original input signatures, so the sender needs
>>> to return this "partial transaction" back to the receiver to sign. This
>>> is returned as a hex-encoded raw transaction a response to the original
>>> HTTP POST request.
>>> Step 4. Receiver validates, re-signs, and propagates on the bitcoin network
>>> The receiver is responsible in making sure the "partial transaction"
>>> returned by the sender was changed correctly (it should assume the
>>> connection has been MITM'd and act accordingly), resign its original
>>> inputs and propagates this transaction over the bitcoin network. The
>>> client must be aware that the server can reorder inputs and outputs.
>>> Step 5. Receiver observes the finalized transaction on the bitcoin network
>>> Once the receiver has seen the finalized transactions on the network
>>> (and has enough confirmations) it can process it like a normal payment
>>> for the sent amount (as opposed to the amount that it looks like on the
>>> network). If the receiver does not see the finalized transaction after a
>>> timeout will propagate the original "template transaction" to ensure the
>>> payment happens and function a strong anti-DoS mechanism.
>>> === Implementation Notes ===
>>> For anyone wanting to implement bustapay payments, here are some notes
>>> for receivers:
>>> -   A transaction can easily be checked if it's suitable for the mempool
>>>     with testmempoolaccept in bitcoin core 0.17
>>> -   Tracking transactions by txid is precarious. To keep your sanity make
>>>     sure all inputs are segwit. But remember segwit does not prevent txid
>>>     malleability unless you validate the transaction. So really make sure
>>>     you're using testmempoolaccept at the very least
>>> -   Bustapay could be abused by a malicious party to query if you own a
>>>     deposit address or not. So never accept a bustapay transaction that pays
>>>     an already used deposit address
>>> -   You will need to keep a mapping of which utxos people have showed you
>>>     and which you revealed. So if you see them again, you can reveal the
>>>     same one of your own
>>> -   Check if the transaction was already sorted according to BIP69, if so
>>>     ensure the result stays that way. Otherwise probably just shuffle the
>>>     inputs/outpus
>>> Notes for sending applications:
>>> -   The HTTP response must not be trusted. It should be fully validated
>>>     that no unexpected changes have been made to the transaction.
>>> -   The sender should be aware the original "template transaction" may be
>>>     propagated at any time, and in fact can intentionally be
>>>       done so for the purpose of RBF as it should have a slightly higher fee
>>>     rate.
>>> == Credits ==
>>> The idea is obviously based upon Dr. Maxwell's seminal CoinJoin
>>> proposal, and reduced scope inspired by a simplification of the "pay 2
>>> endpoint" (now offline) blog post by blockstream.
>>> -Ryan
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