The Tor team encourages active participating Tor nodes, preferably exit/ 
middle/guard nodes and not only client nodes, which is actually a significant 
part of the reason that the documentation I put together in Bitcoin.SE does not 
deal much with configuration tweaking Tor; as out of the box Tor participates 
actively in the Tor network.

As for applications other than web browsing, i is simply not true to suggest 
that Tor is implemented solely for web browsing and I suppose that this view 
has come about because of the Tor browser, an attempt to engage more active Tor 
nodes while providing an OOB privacy solution to simplify setup for the 
not-so-technical. As just one example of other uses, you will note the Tor 
configuration item `LongLivedPorts` and its implications. No, it is completely 
not necessary to tweak this option for Bitcoin although you may.

I encourage you to forward these comments to the Tor mailing list.

>I really don't think that the Tor network is designed and adapted to support 
>bitcoin nodes, using it for something else than browsing is just a workaround 
>and I would be surprised that the Tor project team contradicts this and/or 
>encourage this use


From: bitcoin-dev <> on behalf of 
Aymeric Vitte via bitcoin-dev <>
Sent: Monday, 18 November 2019 10:59 PM
To: Matt Corallo <>; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion 
<>; Mr. Lee Chiffre 
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] v3 onion services

As I briefly sketched here before I think that a better long term solution 
would be to link the bitcoin traffic with something like node-Tor 

Much more light (the whole code not minified is only ~1MB), not using tons of 
libraries prone to security/maintenance issues, easy to use/configure/maintain 
and you don't need the (heavy/complicate) onions RDV concepts and addresses, 
which in addition is useless for bitcoin

As simple as a duplex stream bitcoin.pipe(node-Tor) inside servers or browsers 
(difficult to imagine full nodes and the blocks inside browsers but why not one 
day, so for light clients probably implementing part of the bitcoin protocol 
like, for now it's a standalone offline webapp but of 
course it would be interesting to connect it in a secure way to bitcoin nodes 
to retrieve info from the utxo set and send txs for example since it's not 
obvious for users to create their txs in its current form)

This would be a separate network using the Tor protocol over TCP, WebSockets 
and WebRTC, making it possible also for browsers to relay the traffic, probably 
the nodes discovery (to get the keys) could be linked to the bitcoin peer 
discovery system (we just have to add the onion key to the peer profile, and 
maybe long term id key), anyway that's simple to setup, and probably for a p2p 
network 2 hops will be enough

I really don't think that the Tor network is designed and adapted to support 
bitcoin nodes, using it for something else than browsing is just a workaround 
and I would be surprised that the Tor project team contradicts this and/or 
encourage this use

Le 18/11/2019 à 00:42, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev a écrit :

There is effort ongoing to upgrade the Bitcoin P2P protocol to support other 
address types, including onion v3. There are various posts on this ML under the 
title “addrv2”. Further review and contributions to that effort is, as always, 

On Nov 17, 2019, at 00:05, Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev 

Right now bitcoin client core supports use of tor hidden service. It
supports v2 hidden service. I am in progress of creating a new bitcoin
node which will use v3 hidden service instead of v2. I am looking at
bitcoin core and btcd to use. Do any of these or current node software
support the v3 onion addresses for the node address? What about I2P
addresses? If not what will it take to get it to support the longer
addresses that is used by i2p and tor v3?

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