Good morning Adam,

> The CashFusion research came out of the Bitcoin Cash camp, thus this probably 
> went under the radar of many of you. I would like to ask your opinions on the 
> research's claim that, if non-equal value coinjoins can be really relied on 
> for privacy or not.
> (Btw, there were also similar ideas in the Knapsack paper in 2017: 
>  ) 
> I copy the most relevant paragraphs here:
>   ---------BEGIN QUOTE --------- 
> Consider a transaction where 10 people have each brought 10 inputs of 
> arbitary amounts in the neighborhood of ~0.1 BCH. One input might be 
> 0.03771049 BCH; the next might be 0.24881232 BCH, etc. All parties have 
> chosen to consolidate their coins, so the transaction has 10 outputs of 
> around 1 BCH. So the transaction has 100 inputs, and 10 outputs. The first 
> output might be 0.91128495, the next could be 1.79783710, etc.
> Now, there are 100!/(10!)^10 ~= 10^92 ways to partition the inputs into a 
> list of 10 sets of 10 inputs, but only a tiny fraction of these partitions 
> will produce the precise output list. So, how many ways produce this exact 
> output list? We can estimate with some napkin math. First, recognize that for 
> each partitioning, each output will typically land in a range of ~10^8 
> discrete possibilities (around 1 BCH wide, with a 0.00000001 BCH resolution). 
> The first 9 outputs all have this range of possibilities, and the last will 
> be constrained by the others. So, the 10^92 possibilies will land somewhere 
> within a 9-dimensional grid that cointains (10^8)^9=10^72 possible distinct 
> sites, one site which is our actual output list. Since we are stuffing 10^92 
> possibilties into a grid that contains only 10^72 sites, then this means on 
> average, each site will have 10^20 possibilities.
> Based on the example above, we can see that not only are there a huge number 
> of partitions, but that even with a fast algorithm that could find matching 
> partitions, it would produce around 10^20 possible valid configurations. With 
> 10^20 possibilities, there is essentially no linkage. The Cash Fusion scheme 
> actually extends this obfuscation even further. Not only can players bring 
> many inputs, they can also have multiple outputs.
> ---------END QUOTE ---------
> --

It seems to me that most users will not have nearly the same output of "around 
1 BTC" anyway if you deploy this on a real live mainnet, and if your math 
requires that you have "around 1 BTC" outputs per user. you might as well just 
use equal-valued CoinJoins, where the equal-valued outputs at least are 
completely unlinked from the inputs.

Indeed, the change outputs of an equal-valued CoinJoin would have similar 
analyses to CashFusion, since the same analysis "around 1 BTC" can be performed 
with the CoinJoin change outputs "around 0 BTC".

* You can always transform a CashFusion transaction whose outputs are "around 1 
BTC" to a CoinJoin transaction with equal-valued outputs and some change 
outputs, with the equal-valued outputs having equal value to the smallest 
CashFusion output.
 * e.g. if you have a CashFusion transaction with outputs 1.0, 1.1, 0.99, you 
could transform that to a CoinJoin with 0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.01, 0.11 outputs.
* Conversely, you can transform an equal-valued CoinJoin transaction to a 
CashFusion transaction using the same technique.
* That implies that the change outputs of an equal-valued CoinJoin have the 
same linkability as the outputs of the equivalent CashFusion transaction.
* At least with equal-valued CoinJoin, the equal-valued outputs have 0 
linkability with inputs (at least with only that transaction in isolation).
  The same cannot be said of CashFusion, because the value involved is just in 
a single UTXO.

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