> Instead of using sidechains, just use channel factories.

I am not familiar enough with the latest advancements in this field. Is it 
possible using LN/channel factories to achieve off-line-like participation user 
experience without previous registration with any kind of gateway provider? For 
example, can you go online, join the network [somehow instantly], generate 
address/invoice and then put it somewhere for others to later use it when you 
are off-line? Can you also participate while being off-line for very long 
periods of time without relying on third party providers to secure your 
channels? If not, is using sidechains really equally replaceable with LN/CF 

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 13, 2020 2:33 AM, ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev 
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> Good morning Robin,
> > Good morning ZmnSCPxj,
> > Thank you for your detailed feedback! Two topics:
> > Lightning vs Sidechains
> >
> > Why an either-or-solution, if we can connect sidechains via the LN to get 
> > the best of both worlds?
> > The LN works exceptionally great under the following conditions:
> >
> > -   you're always online
> >
> > -   you have BTC to manage your channels' inbound-capacity
> >
> > -   you can afford BTC transactions
> >     -   in your channel is much more than the minimum on-chain TX fees
> >         The next Billion users do not fit that category. They are on 
> > unreliable cell phone connections and do not have any BTC yet.
> >         And the more popular Bitcoin becomes, the fewer people can afford 
> > LN channels. Even Eltoo requires your funds to be significantly higher than 
> > Bitcoin's TX fees, right?
> >         Already today, more and more services like tippin.me, BlueWallet, 
> > etc, provide custodial solutions.
> >         For small amounts, custody is an acceptable workaround. And I love 
> > their usability. Install it and immediately I can send you $0.01. Yet, 
> > scaling their approach globally does not lead to desirable outcomes, since 
> > we'd be back to trusting banks with their Excel sheets.
> >         So let's make their internal ledgers public and trustless, via 
> > independent sidechains. Decentralized Blockchains do scale decently up to a 
> > couple Million UTXOs. So a couple thousand Sidechains is probably 
> > sufficient for a global medium of exchange. Cross-chain communication 
> > without requiring cross-chain validation is possible via atomic swaps and 
> > through Bitcoin's LN. That scales because it separates chain-validators 
> > from swap-validators.
> >         Bitcoin's LN acts as the central settlement layer for efficient 
> > cross-chain transactions between all sidechains.
> >         So Endusers "living" in sidechains instead of directly in the LN 
> > has many advantages:
> >
> > -   no bitcoin blockspace required for on-boarding new users
> >
> > -   no need to lock funds to provide inbound-capacity
> >
> > -   no need to stay online or pay watch towers
> >
> > -   no need to store channel histories
> >
> > -   account balances can be much smaller than BTC TX fees
> >     Those are the exact same reasons why BlueWallet built their LndHub. But 
> > sidechains can be trustless. Also a generic protocol provides flexibility 
> > for sidechain innovations with arbitrary digital assets and consensus rules.
> >
> Which is why I brought up multiparticipant offchain updateable cryptocurrency 
> systems.
> The "channel factories" concepts does what you are looking for, except with 
> better trust-minimization than sidechains can achieve.
> Just replace "sidechain" with either Decker-Wattenhofer or 
> Decker-Russell-Osuntokun constructions.
> You can even use the Somsen "statechain" mechanism, which rides a 
> Decker-Wattenhofer/Decker-Russell-Osuntokun construction, though its 
> trust-minimization is only very very slightly better than federated 
> sidechains.
> It is helpful to remember that Poon-Dryja, Decker-Wattenhofer, 
> Decker-Russell-Osuntokun, and all other future such constructions, can host 
> any contract that its lower layer can support.
> So if you ride a Poon-Dryja on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, you can host 
> HTLCs inside the Poon-Dryja, since the Bitcoin blockchain can host HTLCs.
> Similarly, if you ride a Decker-Wattenhofer on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, 
> you can host a Poon-Dryja inside the Decker-Wattenhofer, since the Bitcoin 
> blockchain can host Poon-Dryja channels.
> This central insight leads one to conclude that anything you can put onchain, 
> you an generally also put offchain, so why use a chain at all except as an 
> ultimate anchor to reality?
> Poon-Dryja is strictly two-participant, while Decker-Wattenhofer limits the 
> practical number of updates due to its use of decrementing relative 
> timelocks: so you put the payment layer in a bunch of Poon-Dryja channels 
> which support tons of updates each but only two participants per channel, and 
> create a layer that supports changes to the channel topology (where changes 
> to the channel connectivity are expected to be much rarer than payments) and 
> is multiparticipant so you can actually scale.
> Instead of using sidechains, just use channel factories.
> You do not need to broadcast the entire internal ledgers of those services, 
> only their customers need to know those internal ledgers, and sign off on the 
> updates of those ledgers.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
> bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev

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