Good morning list,

[On a recent post on 
 I brought up the possibility of using a circular self-payment to hide the 
actual direction of payment from third-party snooping nodes.
Basically, instead of paying the amount to the destination, we can have an 
atomic mechanism by which the source pays a larger-than-amount payment to the 
destination and the destination returns the difference instead.

As the mechanisms on Lightning are also implementable directly on the 
blockchain, I observe as well that we can use a similar mechanism based on 
CoinSwap to mislead onchain analysis as well.

The normal payment flow for a Bitoin payer is typically:

* Locate some of its owned UTXO(s) that total an amount equal or greater than 
the payment amount.
* Create a single transaction that consumes those inputs and outputs the amount 
to the destination and any remainder to a new address we control.

However, we can observe as well that transactions and transaction outputs can 
be considered nodes and edges of a transaction graph, respectively.
We can then consider the categorical dual of such a graph.

Let me then present the Payswap payment flow:

* Sender locates some of its owned UTXO(s) that total an amount equal or 
greater than the payment amount.
  * Sender reveals the sum to destination.
* Destination locates some of its owned UTXO(s) that total an amount equal or 
greater than the difference (change) of the sender total minus the payment 
* Sender and destination set up an unequal CoinSwap:
  * Destination receives all the Sender coins.
  * Sender receives the difference between the Sender total and the payment 
amount (change).
* Sender and destination execute the CoinSwap and complete the payment protocol.

What appears onchain are:

* A transaction with a single output.
  * This is the CoinSwap funding transaction that was offered by the sender and 
claimed by the destination.
  * As a single-output transaction, this looks to chain analysis to be a likely 
* A transaction with two outputs.
  * This is the CoinSwap funding transaction that was offered by the 
destination and claimed by the sender.
  * The output that goes back to the destination looks like a change output 
according to chain analysis.
  * The output that goes to the sender looks like a payment from the 
destination to the sender, reversing the apparent direction of payment and 
obscuring the amount paid.
* Two more transaction that complete the protocol, each spending one of the 
above and moving the funds to unilateral control of the destination and sender 

The above is an active misleading of chain analysis.

This is even possible today with 2p-ECDSA to make it use P2WPKH with Scriptless 

Against the above flow I must caution:

* This involves more transactions than Payjoin, thus more expensive in 
* The protocol can be aborted by one participant, which will lead to spending 
onchain fees to back out of the protocol, unlike Payjoin which is atomic with 
paying onchain fees.
* As I [point out 
 CoinSwap overhead approaches the overhead of setting up a temporary Lightning 
Network channel, thus it might actually be better to implement all CoinSwap 
protocols over Lightning instead.


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