В Fri, 3 Jul 2020 21:53:44 +0500
Dmitry Petukhov via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org>

> The format for the path templates described in the presented BIP draft
> aims to provide a building block for interoperability between various
> hardware and software vendors in regard to this particular task of
> specifying derivation path restrictions.

One example of an interoperability workflow might be:

A software vendor that utilizes custom derivation paths in their
schemes create a "profile" that contains the constraints on the paths
(and possibly other parameters, but this is out of scope of the
proposal) for their particular scheme. In a simple case it might just
be a path template string provided in the documentation.

A user of a software solution from that vendor takes a hardware wallet
that supports path templates (or richer "profiles") and installs the
profile for that solution into hardware wallet. In a simple case, the
user just pastes a path template string into some configuration utility
program and then confirms the setting on-device.

The device statrts to enforce the constraints specified in the template
(or "profile"), and the software solution works as intended by the
software vendor.

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