On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:34 AM, Leonardo Comandini via bitcoin-dev 
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> BIP32 [1] says: "In order to prevent these from depending solely on the key
> itself, we extend both private and public keys first with an extra 256 bits of
> entropy. This extension, called the chain code...".
> My argument is that the chain code is not needed.
> To support such claim, I'll show a schematic of BIP32 operations to be 
> compared
> with an alternative proposal and discuss the differences.
> I have two main questions:
> - Is this claim false?
> - Has anyone shared this idea before?

Hi Leonardo,

It's been a while but I can comment on the history of how the chaincode ended 
up being in there.

The most direct reason is that BIP32 was inspired by Alan Reiner's Armory 
software, which had
a different homomorphic key derivation scheme, but included something called a 
chaincode to
enable multiple "chains" of keys to be derived from the same keypair. More 
information about
that scheme is here: 

BIP32 made two improvements to this:
* Allow efficient random access into the derived keys (Armory's scheme required 
iterating the
derivation function to get consecutive subkeys - which is probably where the 
name "chain"
in chaincode comes from)
* Permit hierarchical derivation, by also constructing a sub-"chaincode" along 
with every subkey.

If I recall correctly, there was at least one argument at the time about 
whether the chaincode was
necessary at all. My rationale for keeping it was:
* xpubs are not as secret as private keys, but they do demand more protection 
than just public keys
(for both privacy reasons, and due to the fact that revealing an xpub + child 
xprv is ReallyBad(tm)).
For that reason, it seems nice that an xpub consists of more than just a public 
key, as revealing
the public key in it means the protection above remains. I don't think there is 
anything fundamental
here; just a distinct encoding for xpubs and pubkeys might have accomplished 
the same, but this
felt safer.
* Repeated hashing "felt" dangerous, as it reduces entropy at every step, so 
it'd go below 256 bits.
With a chaincode to maintain extra entropy this is prevented. In retrospect, 
this is a bogus
argument, as it's only a relevant point for information-theoretical security 
(which means we wouldn't
be able to use ECC in the first place), and even then, it's only a minimal 

So in short, from a cryptographic point of view, I think that indeed, the 
chaincode is not needed. It
probably has some qualitative advantage in practice, but not very much.


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