Hi Pieter,

Addressing your comments:

>> Thank you very much for all the clarifications; it’s good to have them 
>> sorted out and clearly structured. From what you wrote it follows that we 
>> still need to reserve a dedicated purpose (with new BIP) for BIP340 
>> signatures to avoid key reuse, am I right?
> Maybe, but it would be for a particular way of using keys (presumably: 
> single-key pay-to-taproot), not just the signature scheme itself. If you go 
> down this path you'll also want dedicated branches for multisig 
> participation, and presumably several interesting new policies that become 
> possible with Taproot.

Yes, previously we had a dedicated standards (BIPs) for purpose fields on each 
variant: single-sig, multi-sig etc. With this proposal I simplify this: you 
will have a dedicated deterministically-derived *hardened* keys for each use 
case under single standard, which should simplify future wallet implementations.

> And as I said, dedicated branches only help for the simple case. For example, 
> it doesn't address the more general problem of preventing reuse of keys in 
> multiple distinct groups of multisig sets you participate in. If you want to 
> solve that you need to keep track of  index is for participating in what - 
> and once you have something like that you don't need dedicated purpose based 
> derivation at all anymore.

In the BIP proposal there is a part on how multisigs can be created in a simple 
and deterministic way without keys reuse.

> So I'm not sure I'd state it as us *needing* a dedicated purpose/branch for 
> single-key P2TR (and probably many other useful ways of using taproot based 
> spending policies...). But perhaps it's useful to have.

My proposal is to have a new purpose field supporting all the above: hardened 
derivation that supports for multisigs, single-sigs etc.

Kind regards,

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