And of course:

1) MASF=true + LOT=eventually true

Using a declining activation threshold over time gives miners control
only over the timing of activation, not the eventuality.   This is
essentially the same as LOT=true, however, it has a greater chance of
activation without requiring intervening releases or changes to the

On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 1:15 PM John Rand via bitcoin-dev
<> wrote:
> With reference to considerations 
>  and motivation to find consensus on incrementally improving Bitcoin 
> soft-fork activation mechanisms.  (TL;DR Consensus is important for the 
> activation mechanism as there are more soft-forks that Bitcoin will need.  We 
> need to incrementally improve activation mechanisms.  It could become 
> critical that Bitcoin prevails in achieving a future upgrade even against 
> powerful interests.)
> These activation configurations have been discussed with rationales.
> 1) MASF=true + LOT=false
> Try LOT=false first, with a potential to change to LOT=true if pools and 
> miners were to unreasonably delay MASF activation.  (By later deploying a 
> revised activation mechanism with LOT=true or other.)
> Arguments against have included a major concern about perpetuating the risk 
> demonstrated by the BIP 141 / BIP 9 with potential for misuse and 
> misunderstanding of a normative mechanism as a political veto.  Such veto can 
> be overridden by the market, but the forced need to do so increases drama and 
> risk.
> Arguments in favor include being defensive to avoid misinterpretation about 
> developer control, and being considered and incremental in starting with a 
> safe conservative approach 
> Though it should be acknowledged and taken into account that disagreement and 
> potential for partly incompatible clients with different activation 
> configuration, changes the risk calculation for LOT=false.  So that LOT=false 
> may not be safer in practice, and does not wash reference client developers 
> hands of contributing to the combined risk.
> 2) MASF=true + LOT=true
> Arguments in favor, inverse of above.  But if LOT=true is a hidden flag in 
> bitcoin reference code, or released by another project, then 
> misinterpretation of developer control is avoided.
> Would there be consensus for the reference implementation doing nothing, and 
> signal intent to follow the market if a non-contentious LOT=true gains 
> traction?  With explicit communication of this intent and reason for initial 
> non-inclusion.
> There were also concerns about offending miners.  This concern seems dubious 
> to many, given pools indicated ~90% support 
> and are less detail oriented.  But also BIP 148/ BIP 91 sequence events was 
> enormously dangerous and worth minor social cohesion to avoid as a category 
> of risk.
> Against the realism of developer control, if there were a market need to 
> reject a soft-fork, that can also be done with a UASF.  But UASF is dramatic 
> and the signaling direction against should be reserved for the low 
> probability outcome.
> 3) MASF=false + LOT=informational
> No miner activation.  This is interesting in using the non-standardness part 
> of schnorr to activate at a flag height without normative signaling in 
> version bits.  But the combined removal in this proposal of (normative 
> signaled) MASF is problematic for the needless delay it creates.
> It seems probable that the delay itself would motivate users to switch to 
> clients with MASF+UASF (LOT=true) in protest.  It is true that schnorr 
> requires wallet work, but that overlooks the philosophical nature of the 
> rejection of unneeded delay and empirical evidence shows rather conclusively 
> that ecosystem players are predominantly selectively lazy and only work on 
> Bitcoin infrastructure upgrades after the fact.
> Subsequent posts on the thread with this proposal discuss that informational 
> signaling be substituted so that users and the market can benefit from the 
> information about miner intent.  As it is non-normative it seems hard to 
> argue against: more information is better.
> 4) MASF=true + LOT=informational
> From the above it would be interesting to see discussion of a combination of 
> MASF=true (same mechanism as 1 or 2) with LOT=informational (mechanism from 
> 3).  Where, again, informational means signaling is provided but in an 
> optional and informational sense, that is not normative for consensus code, 
> but to inform the ecosystem about a hashrate verified opt-in assertion of 
> readiness from pools.  In some way that could be more reliable in signaling a 
> willing readiness rather than a UASF under duress mandatory signal.
> Consider also with 2 or 4) alike (or 1 after switching to 2), in the event 
> that activation were unreasonably delayed, forced miner signaling from 2) 
> could be argued to be less reliable as the mechanism for signaling on pools 
> has no automated link to fullnode software version.  In the MASF delay 
> eventuality, where the flag height is relied upon, users and services would 
> be well advised to ensure they are running schnorr validating fullnodes, and 
> for SPV users to verify their wallet relies on schnorr upgraded fullnodes.
> John R
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