Am 17.05.2021 um 04:58 schrieb Luke Dashjr:

It increases security, and is unavoidable anyway.

You can't.

There must be a way. dRNG + universal clock + cryptographical magic?!
I'll think about more. Because if there is a safe way of knowing when a
block was mined then this can work and no security is lost. The run für
the next coinbase starts now at 0 seconds and should end after 600
seconds. There is no real change if you start (proofable) 540 seconds
later und must finish in 60 seconds. I see this 10 times harder than 10
times softer.

It is just a blocktime of 60 seconds with 9 minutes of idle time.

But for this time thank you for all your great answers :D


ps: it wasnt a pointing fingers musk move. it was the opposite. more
like "we try hard to be more efficient than everything else before even
if we still are".
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