>To implement Winternitz we need some kind of limited-repeat construct, which 
>is not available in SCRIPT, but may be emulatable with enough `OP_IF` and 
>sheer brute force.
But what you gain in smaller signatures, you lose in a more complex
and longer SCRIPT, and there are limits to SCRIPT size (in order to
limit the processing done in each node).

Using depth 4 Winternitz would increase the number of instructions in
SCRIPT by 4*(signature bits/2) instructions, but decrease the
signature size by (signature bits/2) hash preimages. Given that
instructions are significantly smaller in size than the hash preimages
used, it seems like this would significantly reduce total size.

>Merkle signatures trade off shorter pubkeys for longer signatures (signatures 
>need to provide the hash of the *other* preimage you are not revealing), but 
>in the modern post-SegWit Bitcoin context both pubkeys and signatures are 
>stored in the witness area, which have the same weight, thus it is actually a 
>loss compared to Lamport.

I wasn't proposing using plain merkle signatures, rather I was
thinking about something where if particular chunks of the message fit
a pattern you could release a seed higher in the commitment tree. For
instance 1,1,1 could be signed as by releasing H(01||H(01||H(01||x))),
 H(11||H(11||H(11||x))), H(21||H(21||H(21||x))), or by releasing X.
However, you would want to only release X in that one specific case
(1,1,1) but no others. Again this would bloat the SCRIPT and decrease
signature size but at a favorable ratio.

I am not convinced anyone should do these things, but they are fun to
think about and I suspect with more thought such signature sizes and
SCRIPT sizes could be even further reduced.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 6:38 PM ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning Ethan,
> > > Yes, quite neat indeed, too bad Lamport signatures are so huge (a couple 
> > > kilobytes)... blocksize increase cough
> >
> > Couldn't you significantly compress the signatures by using either
> > Winternitz OTS or by using OP_CAT to build a merkle tree so that the
> > full signature can be derived during script execution from a much
> > shorter set of seed values?
> To implement Winternitz we need some kind of limited-repeat construct, which 
> is not available in SCRIPT, but may be emulatable with enough `OP_IF` and 
> sheer brute force.
> But what you gain in smaller signatures, you lose in a more complex and 
> longer SCRIPT, and there are limits to SCRIPT size (in order to limit the 
> processing done in each node).
> Merkle signatures trade off shorter pubkeys for longer signatures (signatures 
> need to provide the hash of the *other* preimage you are not revealing), but 
> in the modern post-SegWit Bitcoin context both pubkeys and signatures are 
> stored in the witness area, which have the same weight, thus it is actually a 
> loss compared to Lamport.
> So yes, maybe Winternitz (could be a replacement for the "trinary" Jeremy 
> refers to), Merkle not so much.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
> > On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 4:12 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev
> > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org wrote:
> >
> > > Good morning Jeremy,
> > > Yes, quite neat indeed, too bad Lamport signatures are so huge (a couple 
> > > kilobytes)... blocksize increase cough
> > > Since a quantum computer can derive the EC privkey from the EC pubkey and 
> > > this scheme is resistant to that, I think you can use a single well-known 
> > > EC privkey, you just need a unique Lamport keypair for each UTXO 
> > > (uniqueness being mandatory due to Lamport requiring preimage revelation).
> > > Regards,
> > > ZmnSCPxj
> > >
> > > > Dear Bitcoin Devs,
> > > > As mentioned previously, OP_CAT (or similar operation) can be used to 
> > > > make Bitcoin "quantum safe" by signing an EC signature. This should 
> > > > work in both Segwit V0 and Tapscript, although you have to use HASH160 
> > > > for it to fit in Segwit V0.
> > > > See my blog for the specific construction, reproduced below.
> > > > Yet another entry to the "OP_CAT can do that too" list.
> > > > Best,
> > > >
> > > > Jeremy
> > > >
> > > > -------
> > > >
> > > > I recently published a blogpost about signing up to a5 byte value using 
> > > > Bitcoin script arithmetic and Lamport signatures.
> > > > By itself, this is neat, but a little limited. What if we could sign 
> > > > longer
> > > > messages? If we can sign up to 20 bytes, we could sign a HASH160 digest 
> > > > which
> > > > is most likely quantum safe...
> > > > What would it mean if we signed the HASH160 digest of a signature? What 
> > > > the
> > > > what? Why would we do that?
> > > > Well, as it turns out, even if a quantum computer were able to crack 
> > > > ECDSA, it
> > > > would yield revealing the private key but not the ability to malleate 
> > > > the
> > > > content of what was actually signed. I asked my good friend and 
> > > > cryptographer
> > > > Madars Virza if my intuition was correct, and he
> > > > confirmed that it should be sufficient, but it's definitely worth closer
> > > > analysis before relying on this. While the ECDSA signature can be 
> > > > malleated to a
> > > > different, negative form, if the signature is otherwise made 
> > > > immalleable there
> > > > should only be one value the commitment can be opened to.
> > > > If we required the ECDSA signature be signed with a quantum proof 
> > > > signature
> > > > algorithm, then we'd have a quantum proof Bitcoin! And the 5 byte 
> > > > signing scheme
> > > > we discussed previously is a Lamport signature, which is quantum secure.
> > > > Unfortunately, we need at least 20 contiguous bytes... so we need some 
> > > > sort of
> > > > OP\_CAT like operation.
> > > > OP\_CAT can't be directly soft forked to Segwit v0 because it modifies 
> > > > the
> > > > stack, so instead we'll (for simplicity) also show how to use a new 
> > > > opcode that
> > > > uses verify semantics, OP\_SUBSTRINGEQUALVERIFY that checks a splice of 
> > > > a string
> > > > for equality.
> > > >
> > > >     ... FOR j in 0..=5
> > > >         <0>
> > > >         ... FOR i in 0..=31
> > > >             SWAP hash160 DUP <H(K_j_i_1)> EQUAL IF DROP <2**i> ADD ELSE 
> > > > <H(K_j_i_0)> EQUALVERIFY ENDIF
> > > >         ... END FOR
> > > >         TOALTSTACK
> > > >     ... END FOR
> > > >
> > > >     DUP HASH160
> > > >
> > > >     ... IF CAT AVAILABLE
> > > >         FROMALTSTACK
> > > >         ... FOR j in 0..=5
> > > >             FROMALTSTACK
> > > >             CAT
> > > >         ... END FOR
> > > >         EQUALVERIFY
> > > >         ... FOR j in 0..=5
> > > >             FROMALTSTACK <0+j*4> <4+j*4> SUBSTRINGEQUALVERIFY DROP DROP 
> > > > DROP
> > > >         ...  END FOR
> > > >         DROP
> > > >     ... END IF
> > > >
> > > >     <pk> CHECKSIG
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > That's a long script... but will it fit? We need to verify 20 bytes of 
> > > > message
> > > > each bit takes around 10 bytes script, an average of 3.375 bytes per 
> > > > number
> > > > (counting pushes), and two 21 bytes keys = 55.375 bytes of program 
> > > > space and 21
> > > > bytes of witness element per bit.
> > > > It fits! `20*8*55.375 = 8860`, which leaves 1140 bytes less than the 
> > > > limit for
> > > > the rest of the logic, which is plenty (around 15-40 bytes required for 
> > > > the rest
> > > > of the logic, leaving 1100 free for custom signature checking). The 
> > > > stack size
> > > > is 160 elements for the hash gadget, 3360 bytes.
> > > > This can probably be made a bit more efficient by expanding to a ternary
> > > > representation.
> > > >
> > > >             SWAP hash160 DUP <H(K_j_i_0)> EQUAL  IF DROP  ELSE <3**i> 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > This should bring it up to roughly 85 bytes per trit, and there should 
> > > > be 101
> > > > trits (`log(2**160)/log(3) == 100.94`), so about 8560 bytes... a bit 
> > > > cheaper!
> > > > But the witness stack is "only" `2121` bytes...
> > > > As a homework exercise, maybe someone can prove the optimal choice of 
> > > > radix for
> > > > this protocol... My guess is that base 4 is optimal!
> > > >
> > > > Taproot?
> > > >
> > > > ---------
> > > >
> > > > What about Taproot? As far as I'm aware the commitment scheme (`Q = pG 
> > > > + hash(pG || m)G`) can be securely opened to m even with a quantum 
> > > > computer (finding `q`
> > > > such that `qG = Q` might be trivial, but suppose key path was disabled, 
> > > > then
> > > > finding m and p such that the taproot equation holds should be 
> > > > difficult because
> > > > of the hash, but I'd need to certify that claim better). Therefore this
> > > > script can nest inside of a Tapscript path -- Tapscript also does not 
> > > > impose a
> > > > length limit, 32 byte hashes could be used as well.
> > > > Further, to make keys reusable, there could be many Lamport keys 
> > > > comitted inside
> > > > a taproot tree so that an address could be used for thousands of times 
> > > > before
> > > > expiring. This could be used as a measure to protect accidental use 
> > > > rather than
> > > > to support it.
> > > > Lastly, Schnorr actually has a stronger non-malleability property than 
> > > > ECDSA,
> > > > the signatures will be binding to the approved transaction and once 
> > > > Lamport
> > > > signed, even a quantum computer could not steal the funds.
> > > > --
> > > > @JeremyRubin
> > >
> > > bitcoin-dev mailing list
> > > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
> > > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev
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