How would you compare this to Stratum v2?

On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 1:02 AM pool2win via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> We have been working on a peer to peer mining pool that overcomes the
> problems faced by P2Pool and enables building a futures market for
> hashrate.
> The proposal can be found here:
> The key features of the pool are:
> 1. Lower variance for smaller miners, even when large miners join
>   the pool.
> 2. Miners build their own blocks, just like in P2Pool.
> 3. Payouts require a constant size blockspace, independent of the
>   number of miners in the pool.
> 4. Provide building blocks for enabling a futures market of hash
>   rates.
> Braidpool: Decentralised Mining Pool for Bitcoin
> Abstract. Bitcoin P2Pool's usage has steadily declined over the years,
> negatively impacting bitcoin's decentralisation. The variance in
> earnings for miners increases with total hashrate participating in
> P2Pool, and payouts require a linearly increasing block space with the
> number of miners participating in the pool. We present a solution that
> uses a DAG of shares replicated at all miners. The DAG is then used to
> compute rewards for miners. Rewards are paid out using one-way payment
> channels by an anonymous hub communicating with the miners using Tor's
> hidden services. Using the payment channels construction, neither the
> hub nor the miners can cheat.
> Full proposal at
> Details on trading hashrate are here:
> @pool2win
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