printf("Hello, World!");

What are your thoughts on Drivechain and associated BIPs?

This article compares Liquid and Lightning: Two 
things from it that I am interested in while evaluating Drivechain:

1.Trust model
2.On-Ramps and Off-Ramps

Other things:

1.Security of Bitcoin (Layer 1)
2.Bitcoin transactions and fees expected on layer 1 because of Drivechain

Similarities and Differences between RSK and Ethereum:

Paul Sztorc had mentioned few things about fees in this video: I am interested to know same for LN, Liquid 
and Rootstock as well so asked a question on Bitcoin Stackexchange today:

Two critiques are mentioned here: with lot of names. I 
don't agree with everything mentioned on project website although any comments 
on technical things that can help Bitcoin and Bitcoin projects will be great.

Why discuss here and not on Twitter?

1.Twitter is not the best place for such discussions. There are some 
interesting threads but Its mostly used for followers, likes, retweets etc. and 
people can write anything for it.
2.Avoid misinformation, controversies etc. 

My personal opinion:

We should encourage sidechain projects. I don't know much about Drivechain to 
form a strong opinion but concept looks good which can help in making better 


The website used in the slides of above YouTube video is misleading for few 

1.Blocks mined everyday (in MB) for Bitcoin is ~150 MB. It is ~600 MB for 
Ethereum. Block limits for Bitcoin is ~4 MB per 10 minutes and ~500 MB for 
Ethereum. If full nodes will be run by few organizations on AWS we can 
basically do everything on chain. However the main goal isn't too make money 
and create an illusion to do something innovative, primary goal was/is 
decentralized network that allows settlement of payments.

2.Bitcoin uses UTXO model while Ethereum uses Account model. Basic difference 
in transactions for two is explained in an article Irony is the website in the 
slides for screenshot is using Coinmetrics API and this misleading website is 
even shared by Coinmetrics team on Twitter. So in some cases you are doing more 
transactions, paying more fees for work which could have been done with less. 

3.Failed transactions paying fees on Ethereum everyday, no such transactions on 

4.Other improvements that affect fees: Segwit, Layer 2, Batching, UTXO 
consolidation, Fee estimation, Coin selection, Exchanges, Wallets etc.


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