With a new BIP editor (Kalle Alm) in place and Taproot activation
locked in it is probably/possibly as good time as any to revisit the
BIP process and see if we can bolster it, improve it or at least
inform why certain things operate the way they do.

Hence two IRC meetings are being organized, one on Tuesday September
14th (23:00 UTC) and one on Wednesday September 29th (23:00 UTC), both
on the Libera IRC channel #bitcoin-dev.

Possible discussion topics range from the relatively mundane (should
BIP champions need to ACK basic spelling change PRs) to the possibly
contentious (what role if any do the BIPs have in informing the
community of soft fork activation parameters). At the very least it
would be good to address some common misunderstandings and subtleties
of the BIP process that many (including myself) are lacking context

So if you are interested in the BIP process or certainly if you have
experienced frustrations with the BIP process in the past as a BIP
champion or BIP contributor please attend and we’ll see what progress
we can make.

There is a BIP process wishlist that some have already contributed
ideas too: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/wiki/BIP-Process-wishlist

And of course BIP 2 outlines the current BIP process:

This is being organized in the spirit of seeking to improve a process
and a resource that we as a community all rely on so please engage in
the spirit that is intended. I will keep the mailing list informed of
anything that comes out of the meetings and the #bitcoin-dev channel
is open for discussion outside of the meetings.

Michael Folkson
Email: michaelfolk...@gmail.com
Keybase: michaelfolkson
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