> Can you explain the motivation for this? From where I sit, as far as I know, 
> I should basically be > a prime example of the target market for public 
> signet - someone developing bitcoin applications > with regular requirements 
> to test those applications with other developers without
> jumping through hoops to configure software the same across the globe and set 
> up miners.
> With blocks > being slow and irregular, I’m basically not benefited at all by 
> signet and will
> stick with testnet3/mainnet testing, which both suck.

On testnet3 you can realistically go days without blocks being found
(and conversely thousands of blocks can be found in a day), the block
discovery time variance is huge. Of course this is probabilistically
possible on mainnet too but the probability of this happening is close
to zero. Here[0] is an example of 16,000 blocks being found in a day
on testnet3.

On signet block discovery time variance mirrors mainnet.

On mainnet you are risking Bitcoin with actual monetary value. If you
don't mind doing this then you don't need testnet3, signet or anything
else. In addition proposed soft forks may be activated on signet (and
could also be on testnet3) well before they are considered for
activation on mainnet for testing and experimentation purposes.


Michael Folkson
Email: michaelfolk...@gmail.com
Keybase: michaelfolkson
PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3
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