Good morning Dave,

> On Mon, Feb 07, 2022 at 08:34:30PM -0800, Jeremy Rubin via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > Whether [recursive covenants] is an issue or not precluding this sort
> > of design or not, I defer to others.
> For reference, I believe the last time the merits of allowing recursive
> covenants was discussed at length on this list[1], not a single person
> replied to say that they were opposed to the idea.
> I would like to suggest that anyone opposed to recursive covenants speak
> for themselves (if any intelligent such people exist). Citing the risk
> of recursive covenants without presenting a credible argument for the
> source of that risk feels to me like (at best) stop energy[2] and (at
> worst) FUD.

Let me try to give that a shot.

(Just to be clear, I am not an artificial intelligence, thus, I am not an 
"intelligent such people".)

The objection here is that recursion can admit partial (i.e. Turing-complete) 
Turing-completeness implies that the halting problem cannot be solved for 
arbitrary programs in the language.

Now, a counter-argument to that is that rather than using arbitrary programs, 
we should just construct programs from provably-terminating components.
Thus, even though the language may admit arbitrary programs that cannot 
provably terminate, "wise" people will just focus on using that subset of the 
language, and programming styles within the language, which have proofs of 
Or in other words: people can just avoid accepting coin that is encumbered with 
a SCRIPT that is not trivially shown to be non-recursive.

The counter-counter-argument is that it leaves such validation to the user, and 
we should really create automation (i.e. lower-level non-sentient programs) to 
perform that validation on behalf of the user.
***OR*** we could just design our language so that such things are outright 
rejected by the language as a semantic error, of the same type as `for (int x = 
0; x = y; x++);` is a semantic error that most modern C compilers will reject 
if given `-Wall -Werror`.

Yes, we want users to have freedom to shoot themselves in the feet, but we also 
want, when it is our turn to be the users, to keep walking with two feet as 
long as we can.

And yes, you could instead build a *separate* tool that checks if your SCRIPT 
can be proven to be non-recursive, and let the recursive construct remain in 
the interpreter and just require users who don't want their feet shot to use 
the separate tool.
That is certainly a valid alternate approach.
It is certainly valid to argue as well, that if a possibly-recursive construct 
is used, and you cannot find a proof-of-non-recursion, you should avoid coins 
encumbered with that SCRIPT (which is just a heuristic that approximate a tool 
for proof-of-non-recursion).

On the other hand, if we have the ability to identify SCRIPTs that have some 
proof-of-non-recursion, why is such a tool not built into the interpreter 
itself (in the form of operations that are provably non-recursive), why have a 
separate tool that people might be too lazy to actually use?

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