An update, after some feedback, and me using the odd hour here and there to try 
to push this idea forward a bit:

1. I think (though I'm not 100% certain) that you can get rid of the fidelity 
bond requirement entirely with an eltoo/D-R-O type mechanism, assuming APOAS.
2. With a relaxation of online-ness requirement (see below) I think you can 
jump steps in the path.

(Before I get into all this you might reasonably ask - well, with eltoo 
mechanisms we can just do a very large multiparty channel no? And not have this 
severe utxo denomination issue, nor fixed paths? All true, so that's probably 
way more interesting, but in this, we're looking for one property in particular 
- ability to pass coins without *anyone* needing to sign with a hot wallet - 
let alone *everyone* needing to sign.)

1. No fidelity bond:

The first of these two is more technically hairy, but, setting the stage again:

Say 100 keyholders in initial setup, A1 .. A100 (larger numbers this time to 
keep scale more realistically in mind). A1 funds a script U which is a musig 
key prepared for this as N of N between these 100.

As before, they need 100 separate tapscript leafs (in case we need different 
keysets for each, but I think we don't and it's inefficient, h/t Jeremy Rubin 
for pointing that out) or more simply, 100 separate Musig2 protocol runs, in 
each one they are signing a tx to each of them individually, but not completing 
the run, i.e. only certain parties share their signature partials. Who shares 
what is shown in the tables in the gist linked below (i.e. this is not changing 
that part of the mechanism) (there would be around 5000 signature partials 
shared in the setup). As before, adaptors for individual partial sigs will be 
shared by A1, A2 etc when the pass on the coin from An to An+1.

But the difference now is that they do not post a fidelity bond. So what does 
this adaptor, verifiably, enforce, if the "wrong" signature is used? Suggestion 
here is: the destination each party A_x is signing the coin over is not just 
exclusive ownership, but (A_x + TL OR CTV(back to script U) + T_x). Translating 
the rough pseudo-script: if A_x has transferred the coin but then 'illegally' 
broadcasts, they, having revealed the adaptor t_x verifiably connected to T_x, 
will allow the coin spent from U to be passed directly back into U. Using APOAS 
for the signatures, as with eltoo, would mean that the existing prepared set of 
signatures for the initial funding of U, still applies. I wave hands here about 
btc amount being fixed, and fees - I presume that SIGHASH_SINGLE, as in the 
eltoo paper (or?), handles all that - and there may need to be finesse there to 
create economic disincentive to wrongly publish.
Going further with the eltoo mechanism - for this to work we would similarly 
use a state number enforcing ordering (and hence APOAS). The valid-by-protocol 
current owner of the pathcoin would still be the only one able to successfully 
spend it after the miscreant action led to no successful theft. I presume the 
same nLockTime trick works.

I may have got some or all of that wrong, but if it's correct in general 
outline, it trades off: timelocked ownership of the pathcoin (previously 
timelocked ownership of the fidelity bond), but it means you don't have to post 
collateral upfront, which was *one* factor that made the thing hugely 
impractical at any scale. So it's barely a tradeoff and seems a huge win, if 

Important caveat: though it would remove the collateral-posting requirement, it 
wouldn't remove the timelock aspect: so we're still only able to operate this 
in a pre-agreed time window.

2. Jumping over hops:

This is more of an actual tradeoff, but I can imagine it being necessary: For a 
fixed path of 100 users we would clearly get far too little utility from a 
fixed path between them. The factorial blowup has been noted many times. What 
isn't yet clear to me is: if you had fairly long paths like this and were able 
to jump over, i.e. in A, B, C, D, E, A could pay anyone, B could pay (C, D, E), 
C could pay (D, E) etc., if this extra flexibility were combined with cleverly 
arranged lists of other paths, might we have a somewhat useful system? Let me 
suggest a way that it's *kind of possible* to do it, and leave the 
combinatorial discussion for later:

Nothing fancy: just notice, let's say A87 wants to receive the coin from a 
pseudonymous user AX who is not specifying their position in the ordering (but 
they have to be X < 87): what A87 needs is a full set of revocations of all 
owners before 87, along with a pre-authorization of all receivers post-87. In 
some logical sense that is "coming from" A86, because A86 has to be included in 
that set, but it needn't literally be A86 doing the paying, I'd claim: suppose 
it's actually A85. A85 only needs to get A86's agreement to make the payment, 
i.e. A86 can voluntarily revoke their right to this pathcoin, as they never 
owned it - they can send, to A85, the set: adaptor sigma'_86 (that reveals t_86 
if the real partial sig, sigma_86_86 were revealed), and their authorizations 
to spend it forwards (basically sigma_86_87, sigma_86_88 .. sigma_86_100), and 
A85 can combine that with the rest of the set needed to pass on to A87. The 
recipient, A87, needn't even know which participant earlier in t
 he path, sent to them (at least, I think so, but if that's not true it doesn't 
make it useless).

The problem here is obvious: we were hoping that Bob could pay Carol (and etc 
etc) without anything but a transfer of info from Bob to Carol; nobody else 
should have to be involved. But I think we could at least conceive that 
software running this protocol could stay online - it wouldn't, notice, need to 
be running a hot wallet, because we're talking about the case of a user not 
holding any funds, just some pre-prepared signature data. If a request comes in 
to A86 to use it, it could accept and then just forget about this particular 
pathcoin (one would imagine it maintaining state for many of them at once, of 
course). I'd note that unfortunately I don't think outsourcing makes sense 
here: a recipient can only truly know that they can't receive the coin if they 
themselves are directly sending out the revocation data (adaptor, etc.). 
Perhaps arguable; if outsourced the scheme seems a lot more practical.

A failure of this mechanism due to offline-ness is unfortunate because we lose 
hopping functionality, but at least it's not a security risk. Maybe just try 
another pathcoin.

3.? Moving to new keyholders?

But there wasn't a 3 :) I'm just not sure about this, but is there a way to 
have one recipient in A1..A100 send out to a new pathcoin group **off-chain** 
(B1..B100 say), in a way that makes sense and is useful? I *think* it would 
require the 'baggage' of the ~ 1 MB of data from the A100 set's payment history 
be forwarded for each payment in the new group. (What's the real size? I think: 
max 100 adaptors, plus 100 scriptpubkeys (representing revocation), max 10K 
partial signatures but probably a lot less, so < 1MB from the whole thing I 
believe). Also nice is that the monitoring on chain of the whole A history is 
just one utxo, the one that funded U initially. *Not* so nice, is that the 
original timelock carries over to the new group, who would have to use a 
shorter one ...

Not sure, but I might update and change the gist to include this new line of 
thinking, in particular in (1) above .. at least if it makes sense :)

waxwing / AdamISZ

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------- Original Message -------

On Monday, January 24th, 2022 at 14:43, AdamISZ via bitcoin-dev 
<> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I took the time to write up this rather out-there idea:
> Imagine you wanted to send a coin just like email, i.e. just transfer data to 
> the counterparty.
> Clearly this is in general entirely impossible; but with what restrictions 
> and assumptions could you create a toy version of it?
> See this gist for a detailed build up of the idea:
> Basically: using signature adaptors and CTV or a similar covenant, you could 
> create a fully trustless transfer of control of a utxo from one party to 
> another with no interaction with the rest of the group, at the time of 
> transfer (modulo of course lots and lots of one-time setup).
> The limitations are extreme and as you'd imagine. In the gist I feel like I 
> got round one of them, but not the others.
> (I very briefly mention comparison to e.g. statechains or payment pools; they 
> are making other tradeoffs against the 'digital cash' type of goal. There is 
> no claim that this 'pathcoin' idea is even viable yet, let alone better than 
> those ideas).
> Publishing this because I feel like it's the kind of thing imaginative minds 
> like the ones here, may be able to develop further. Possibly!
> waxwing / AdamISZ
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
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