Good morning Antoine,

> TLUV doesn't assume cooperation among the construction participants once the 
> Taproot tree is setup. EVICT assumes cooperation among the remaining 
> construction participants to satisfy the final CHECKSIG.
> So that would be a feature difference between TLUV and EVICT, I think ?

`OP_TLUV` leaves the transaction output with the remaining Tapleaves intact, 
and, optionally, with a point subtracted from Taproot internal pubkey.

In order to *truly* revive the construct, you need a separate transaction that 
spends that change output, and puts it back into a new construct.

I describe how this works.

That `OP_EVICT` does another `CHECKSIG` simply cuts through the separate 
transaction that `OP_TLUV` would require in order to revive the construct.

> > I thought it was part of Taproot?
> I checked BIP342 again, *as far as I can read* (unreliable process), it 
> sounds like it was proposed by BIP118 only.

*shrug* Okay!

> > A single participant withdrawing their funds unilaterally can do so by 
> > evicting everyone else (and paying for those evictions, as sort of a 
> > "nuisance fee").
> I see, I'm more interested in the property of a single participant 
> withdrawing their funds, without affecting the stability of the off-chain 
> pool and without cooperation with other users. This is currently a 
> restriction of the channel factories fault-tolerance. If one channel goes 
> on-chain, all the outputs are published.

See also:

Generally, the reason for a channel to go *onchain*, instead of just being 
removed inside the channel factory and its funds redistributed elsewhere, is 
that an HTLC/PTLC is about to time out.
The blockchain is really the only entity that can reliably enforce timeouts.

And, from the above link:

> * If a channel has an HTLC/PTLC time out:
>   * If the participant to whom the HTLC/PTLC is offered is
>     offline, that may very well be a signal that it is unlikely
>     to come online soon.
>     The participant has strong incentives to come online before
>     the channel is forcibly closed due to the HTLC/PTLC timeout,
>     so if it is not coming online, something is very wrong with
>     that participant and we should really evict the participant.
>   * If the participant to whom the HTLC/PTLC is offered is
>     online, then it is not behaving properly and we should
>     really evict the participant.

Note the term "evict" as well --- the remaining participants that are 
presumably still behaving correctly (i.e. not letting HTLC/PTLC time out) evict 
the participants that *are*, and that is what `OP_EVICT` does, as its name 

Indeed, I came up with `OP_EVICT` *after* musing the above link.

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