Good morning Jorge,

> I think people may be scared of potential attacks based on covenants. For 
> example, visacoin.
> But there was a thread with ideas of possible attacks based on covenants.
> To me the most scary one is visacoin, specially seeing what happened in 
> canada and other places lately and the general censorship in the west, the 
> supposed war on "misinformation" going on (really a war against truth imo, 
> but whatever) it's getting really scary. But perhaps someone else can be more 
> scared about a covenant to add demurrage fees to coins or something, I don't 
> know.

This requires *recursive* covenants.

At the time the post was made, no distinction was seen between recursive and 
non-recursive covenants, which is why the post points out that covenants suck.
The idea then was that anything powerful enough to provide covenants would also 
be powerful enough to provide *recursive* covenants, so there was no 
distinction made between recursive and non-recursive covenants (the latter was 
thought to be impossible).

However, `OP_CTV` turns out to enable sort-of covenants, but by construction 
*cannot* provide recursion.
It is just barely powerful enough to make a covenant, but not powerful enough 
to make *recursive* covenants.

That is why today we distinguish between recursive and non-recursive covenant 
opcodes, because we now have opcode designs that provides non-recursive 
covenants (when previously it was thought all covenant opcodes would provide 

`visacoin` can only work as a recursive covenant, thus it is not possible to 
use `OP_CTV` to implement `visacoin`, regardless of your political views.

(I was also misinformed in the past and ignored `OP_CTV` since I thought that, 
like all the other covenant opcodes, it would enable recursive covenants.)

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