Hi vjudeu,

> It can be changed by using different sighashes, for example, it is possible 
> to create a "negative fee transaction", where all transaction costs are paid 
> by receiver. Using SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY with a higher amount 
> in outputs than inputs is enough to do that, see testnet3 transaction 
> 495d2007ae8b741c70c3d278c02ce03702223b9675e954ecabbb634c6cd5bf40.

This transaction has 2 inputs: 0.00074 tBTC and 0.00073 tBTC (0.00074 + 0.00073 
= 0.00147) which is more than output amount 0.001 tBTC


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------- Original Message -------
On Saturday, May 7th, 2022 at 9:22 AM, vjudeu via bitcoin-dev 
bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org wrote:

>> Re-enabling OP_CAT with the exact same OP would be a hardfork, but creating 
>> a new OP_CAT2 that does the same would be a softfork.
> We have TapScript for that. OP_CAT is defined as OP_SUCCESS, it can be 
> re-enabled in a soft-fork way. For now, OP_CAT in TapScript simply means 
> "anyone can move those coins", so adding some restrictions is all we need to 
> re-enable this opcode. Introducing OP_CAT2 is not needed at all, unless it 
> will be totally different, but then it should not be named as OP_CAT2, but 
> rather as OP_SOMETHING_ELSE, it depends how different it will be from OP_CAT.
>> OP_DUP OP_CAT ...
> So we can use OP_SUBSTR instead. Maybe even OP_SPLIT will be enough, if data 
> expansion is the only problem, then we can focus on getting it smaller. Or 
> better, we could use OP_FIND that would return true/false answer if element A 
> is a part of element B, when we do byte-to-byte comparison. In general, we 
> can use many different string-based functions to do the same things, we can 
> choose something that will not exponentially explode as OP_CAT.
>> It was considered unfair that the sender is paying for the security of the 
>> receiver.
> It can be changed by using different sighashes, for example, it is possible 
> to create a "negative fee transaction", where all transaction costs are paid 
> by receiver. Using SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY with a higher amount 
> in outputs than inputs is enough to do that, see testnet3 transaction 
> 495d2007ae8b741c70c3d278c02ce03702223b9675e954ecabbb634c6cd5bf40.
> On 2022-05-07 05:06:46 user ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev 
> bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org wrote:
>> Good morning Jorge,
>> OP_CAT was removed. If I remember correctly, some speculated that perhaps it 
>> was removed because it could allow covenants.I don't remember any technical 
>> concern about the OP besides enabling covenants.Before it was a common 
>> opinion that covenants shouldn't be enabled in bitcoin because, despite 
>> having good use case, there are some nasty attacks that are enabled with 
>> them too. These days it seems the opinion of the benefits being worth the 
>> dangers is quite generalized. Which is quite understandable given that more 
>> use cases have been thought since then.
> I think the more accurate reason for why it was removed is because the 
> following SCRIPT of N size would lead to 2^N memory usage:
> In particular it was removed at about the same time as OP_MUL, which has 
> similar behavior (consider that multiplying two 32-bit numbers results in a 
> 64-bit number, similar to OP_CATting a vector to itself).
> OP_CAT was removed long before covenants were even expressed as a possibility.
> Covenants were first expressed as a possibility, I believe, during 
> discussions around P2SH.
> Basically, at the time, the problem was this:
> * Some receivers wanted to use k-of-n multisignature for improved security.
> * The only way to implement this, pre-P2SH, was by putting in the 
> scriptPubKey all the public keys.
> * The sender is the one paying for the size of the scriptPubKey.
> * It was considered unfair that the sender is paying for the security of the 
> receiver.
> Thus, OP_EVAL and the P2SH concept was conceived.
> Instead of the scriptPubKey containing the k-of-n multisignature, you create 
> a separate script containing the public keys, then hash it, and the 
> scriptPubKey would contain the hash of the script.
> By symmetry with the P2PKH template:
> The P2SH template would be:
> OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <hash160(redeemScript)> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_EVAL
> OP_EVAL would take the stack top vector and treat it as a Bitcoin SCRIPT.
> It was then pointed out that OP_EVAL could be used to create recursive 
> SCRIPTs by quining using OP_CAT.
> OP_CAT was already disabled by then, but people were talking about 
> re-enabling it somehow by restricting the output size of OP_CAT to limit the 
> O(2^N) behavior.
> Thus, since then, OP_CAT has been associated with recursive covenants (and 
> people are now reluctant to re-enable it even with a limit on its output 
> size, because recursive covenants).
> In particular, OP_CAT in combination with OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK and 
> OP_CHECKSIG, you could get a deferred OP_EVAL and then use OP_CAT too to 
> quine.
> Because of those concerns, the modern P2SH is now "just a template" with an 
> implicit OP_EVAL of the redeemScript, but without any OP_EVAL being actually 
> enabled.
> (OP_EVAL cannot replace an OP_NOP in a softfork, but it is helpful to 
> remember that P2SH was pretty much what codified the difference between 
> softfork and hardfork, and the community at the time was small enough (or so 
> it seemed) that a hardfork might not have been disruptive.)
>> Re-enabling OP_CAT with the exact same OP would be a hardfork, but creating 
>> a new OP_CAT2 that does the same would be a softfork.
> If you are willing to work in Taproot the same OP-code can be enabled in a 
> softfork by using a new Tapscript version.
> If you worry about quantum-computing-break, a new SegWit version (which is 
> more limited than Tapscript versions, unfortunately) can also be used, 
> creating a new P2WSHv2 (or whatever version) that enables these opcodes.
>> As far a I know, this is the covenants proposal that has been implemented 
>> for the longest time, if that's to be used as a selection criteria.And as 
>> always, this is not incompatible with deploying other convenant proposals 
>> later.
> No, it was OP_EVAL, not OP_CAT.
> In particular if OP_EVAL was allowed in the redeemScript then it would enable 
> covenants as well.
> It was just pointed out that OP_CAT enables recursive covenenats in 
> combination with OP_EVAL-in-redeemScript.
> In particular, in combination with OP_CAT, OP_EVAL not only allows recursive 
> covenants, but also recursion within a SCRIPT i.e. unbounded SCRIPT execution.
> Thus, OP_EVAL is simply not going to fly, at all.
>> Personally I find the simplicity proposal the best one among all the 
>> covenant proposals by far, including this one.But I understand that despite 
>> the name, the proposal is harder to review and test than other proposals, 
>> for it wouldn't simply add covenants, but a complete new scripting language 
>> that is better in many senses.Speedy covenants, on the other hand, is much 
>> simpler and has been implemented for longer, so in principle, it should be 
>> easier to deploy in a speedy manner.
>> What are the main arguments against speedy covenants (aka op_cat2) and 
>> against deploying simplicity in bitcoin respectively?
>> Sorry if this was discussed before.
> OP_CAT, by itself, does not implement any covenants --- instead, it creates 
> recursive covenants when combined with almost all covenant opcodes.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
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