Good morning vjudeu,

> Some people think that sidechains are good. But to put them into some working 
> solution, people think that some kind of soft-fork is needed. However, it 
> seems that it can be done in a no-fork way, here is how to make it 
> permissionless, and introduce them without any forks.
> First, we should make a new chain that has zero coins. When the coin supply 
> is zero, it can be guaranteed that this chain is not generating any coins out 
> of thin air. Then, all that is needed, is to introduce coins to this chain, 
> just by signing a transaction from other chains, for example Bitcoin. In this 
> way, people can make signatures in a signet way, just to sign their 
> transaction output of any type, without moving real coins on the original 
> chain.
> Then, all that is needed, is to make a way to withdraw the coins. It could be 
> done by publishing the transaction from the original chain. It can be 
> copy-pasted to our chain, and can be used to destroy coins that were produced 
> earlier. In this way, our Merge-Mined chain has zero supply, and can only 
> temporary store some coins from other chains.
> Creating and destroying coins from other chains is enough to make a test 
> network. To make it independent, one more thing is needed, to get a mainnet 
> solution: moving coins inside that chain. When it comes to that, the only 
> limitation is the locking script. Normally, it is locked to some public key, 
> then by forming a signature, it is possible to move coins somewhere else. In 
> the Lightning Network, it is solved by forming 2-of-2 multisig, then coins 
> can be moved by changing closing transactions.
> But there is another option: transaction joining. So, if we have a chain of 
> transactions: A->B->C->...->Z, then if transaction joining is possible, it 
> can be transformed into A->Z transaction. After adding that missing piece, 
> sidechains can be enabled.
> However, I mentioned before that this solution would require no forks. It 
> could, if we consider using Homomorphic Encryption. Then, it is possible to 
> add new features, without touching consensus. For example, by using 
> Homomorphic Encryption, it is possible to execute 2-of-2 multisig on some 
> P2PK output. That means, more things are possible, because if we can encrypt 
> things, then operate on encrypted data, and later decrypt it (and broadcast 
> to the network), then it can open a lot of new possible upgrades, that will 
> be totally permissionless and unstoppable.
> So, to sum up: by adding transaction joining in a homomorphic-encryption-way, 
> it may be possible to introduce sidechains in a no-fork way, no matter if 
> people wants that or not. Also, it is possible to add the hash of our chain 
> to the signature inside a Bitcoin transaction, then all data from the "zero 
> supply chain" can be committed to the Bitcoin blockchain, that would prevent 
> overwriting history. Also, Merged Mining could be used to reward sidechain 
> miners, so they will be rewarded inside the sidechain.

I proposed something similar years ago --- more specifically, some kind of 
general ZKP system would allow us to pretty much write anything, and if it 
terminates, we can provide a ZKP of the execution trace.

At the time it was impractical due to the ZKP systems of the time being *still* 
too large and too CPU-heavy *and* requiring a tr\*sted setup.

Encrypting the amount in a homomorphic encryption such as Pedersen commitments 
/ ElGamal commitments is how MimbleWimble coins (such as Grin) work.
They achieve transactional cut-through in a similar manner due to the 
homomorphic encryption being what is validated by validators without revealing 
the exact balances, and with the only requirement being that a set of consumed 
outputs equals the set of created outputs (fees being an explicit output that 
has no encryption, and thus can be claimable by anyone and have a known value, 
which basically means that it is the miner that mines the transaction that can 
claim it).


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