> Yes, that's an intentional design choice in BIP340, see note 5: 
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0340.mediawiki#cite_ref-5-0. 
> The choice is either batch verifiability or public key recovery.

The way I understood the BIP, was that a user can do batch recovery or 
single-key recovery. Can you explain how it is possible to recover a public key 
from a single-key signature, because a few days earlier on the 
BIP-notatether-messageverify thread I was told (I think it was achow) that 
Schnorr doesn't allow for public key recovery.

At any case, I was already planning on just concatenating the public key after 
the signature (the other option I was thinking of, appending it after the 
Taproot address, is quite unruly in my opinion).

> I think it would be much better if people would cooperate to get BIP322 to 
> move forward than to keep inventing other formats. It's the obvious solution 
> in my opinion: not restricted to single-key policies, compatible with every 
> script type, and trivially extensible to future schemes.

This is why I especially tried to avoid making a new format - My BIP is 
strictly an Informational one. That strategy worked pretty well up to now, but 
now I find myself forced to make a small concession in the design to support 
the verification of Taproot address. But I'm glad it's quite trivial as 
appending a single variable. So at least this BIP won't be an obstacle to any 
such effort.

[Besides, since I'm also planning on detecting BIP137 in the verification 
methods, I can assume the Signature field contains arbitrary data.]

> > , just like BIP340).
> How so? Every taproot compatible wallet has a BIP340 implementation.

I guess I made an assumption, since almost all of the wallets I have seen did 
not have a sign message feature, not even for legacy addresses.

- Ali

------- Original Message -------
On Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at 3:27 PM, Pieter Wuille <bitcoin-...@wuille.net> 

> ------- Original Message -------
> On Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at 3:27 AM, Ali Sherief via bitcoin-dev 
> bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org wrote:
> > Essentially, zero-knowledge proofs such as Schnorr are not compatible with 
> > address message signing - the public key cannot be retrieved from the 
> > address or the signature, so the address does not actually prove the 
> > authenticity of a Schnorr signature. That's why the public key is required 
> > as an input in the first place.
> Yes, that's an intentional design choice in BIP340, see note 5: 
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0340.mediawiki#cite_ref-5-0. 
> The choice is either batch verifiability or public key recovery.
> I regret ever using public key recovery when introducing the old legacy 
> message signing scheme. It should just have used script signatures like 
> BIP322 proposes.
> > In order to make it compatible with the address signing mechanism, the 
> > zero-knowledge part would have to be sacrificed in my BIP, or else a 
> > completely separate message signing format just for Taproot would be 
> > required
> You can avoid relying on public key recovery, and include the public key + 
> BIP340 signature in the encoded signature.
> > (which, in my view, is redundant - there is already the draft BIP322 which 
> > can verify anything and everything, but nobody is implementing that
> I think it would be much better if people would cooperate to get BIP322 to 
> move forward than to keep inventing other formats. It's the obvious solution 
> in my opinion: not restricted to single-key policies, compatible with every 
> script type, and trivially extensible to future schemes.
> > , just like BIP340).
> How so? Every taproot compatible wallet has a BIP340 implementation.
> Cheers,
> --
> Pieter
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