Wait a minute. I did some lookup on OP_CHECKDATASIG to see if it's in some btc 
BIP draft somewhere, and it is actually an opcode in Bitcoin Cash since some 
years ago - 

I think we can safely assume that Kalle and the other major BIP322 proponents 
do not have BCH script compatibility on a high prioirty, perhaps not even 
medium prioity, so we should be able to make an opcode called OP_CHECKDATASIG 
for this BIP's internal purposes.

However, a new opcode cannot be created without a lengthy soft-fork (which 
requires miner signalling - but for what use here, this BIP does not directly 
impact miners?) with an activation height. If we want to redefine an existing 
opcode, we must also make a similar soft-fork. Because consensus rules are 
being modified here.

At the same time, a message signing/verifying algorithm using Script must 
implement some way to verify a *single* ECDSA or Schnorr signature that is on 
the stack. The existing opcodes such as OP_CHECKSIG verify all of the inputs 
and outputs, and this won't work here since there's a deliberate invalid iput 
in "to_spend".

I tried to research if there is any known use of OP_RESERVED in a script, even 
if it's only of academic origin, but I unfortunately could not find any 
references except for 

So this is now an open problem: How should Script verify a single signature 
that is on the stack without touching any of the inputs or outputs?

- Ali

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 05:05:59PM +0200, vju...@gazeta.pl wrote:
> > I suppose in the case of legacy P2PKH signing, a hypothetical 
> > OP_CHECKDATASIG can take <signature> <pubkeyhash> off the stack and perform 
> > an ECDSA public key recovery
> You can always perform key recovery for legacy ECDSA: "<signature> OP_SWAP 
> OP_CHECKSIG" is always spendable, for any valid <r,s> DER-encoded pair. Here, 
> if "<signature> <messageHash> <pubkey> OP_CHECKDATASIG" works for signature 
> verification BIP, then you only need to provide "<signature>" as an input, 
> the rest could be placed in some output, and your program could easily 
> compute that. Or you can use "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <address> OP_EQUALVERIFY 
> <messageHash> OP_SWAP OP_CHECKDATASIG" as your output script, then the signer 
> has to provide a valid signature, and a valid public key explicitly, but if 
> you only have some signature, then you can always recover that key by 
> yourself.
> Because if OP_CHECKDATASIG is not handled, then still, signing by scripts can 
> handle that, but the Script would be unnecessarily complex. And because there 
> is no need to introduce OP_CHECKDATASIG on-chain, it can be safely done 
> inside this BIP.
> > I'm not sure how an OP_RESERVED in an unexcuted OP_IF is going to help 
> > implement an ECDSA pubkey recovery + DUP/HASH160/EQUALVERIFY hybrid 
> > instruction.
> Because if you want to support any script, and you want to add a new opcode, 
> you have to make it somehow compatible with existing schemes. You have to 
> assign some byte for OP_CHECKDATASIG or for any new opcodes you want to add. 
> And you don't want to assign just the next free opcode, because you will get 
> OP_CHECKSIGADD or other opcodes from TapScript, so your script decoder will 
> no longer handle two script versions at once. Unless you want to make it also 
> compatible with altcoins like BCH, but I guess it is not needed.
> On 2022-08-10 15:53:31 user Ali Sherief <a...@notatether.com> wrote:
> > > Backward compatibility. If we don't have OP_CHECKDATASIG, then it has to 
> > > be somehow introduced to make it compatible with "Bitcoin Message".
> I suppose in the case of legacy P2PKH signing, a hypothetical OP_CHECKDATASIG 
> can take <signature> <pubkeyhash> off the stack and perform an ECDSA public 
> key recovery, followed by SHA256/RIPEMD160, kind of like a hybrid between 
> But the implementations would have to decode the Base58 address into "0x00" 
> plus the address hash. As the only supported invoice type for the Legacy 
> signing methods, this should be straight forward to do.
> > And we have opcodes like OP_RESERVED, that can be wrapped in OP_IF, then it 
> > is "conditionally valid transaction".
> I'm not sure how an OP_RESERVED in an unexcuted OP_IF is going to help 
> implement an ECDSA pubkey recovery + DUP/HASH160/EQUALVERIFY hybrid 
> instruction.
> - Ali
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 04:59:46 +0200, vju...@gazeta.pl wrote:
> > > I'm not sure what is to be gained from adding an opcode
> >
> > Backward compatibility. If we don't have OP_CHECKDATASIG, then it has to be 
> > somehow introduced to make it compatible with "Bitcoin Message". And we 
> > have opcodes like OP_RESERVED, that can be wrapped in OP_IF, then it is 
> > "conditionally valid transaction". It is also possible to assign some 
> > unused opcode, but then it will be more complex, because in Script, those 
> > opcodes make transaction invalid, but inside TapScript, those opcodes are 
> > defined as OP_SUCCESS, and make things automatically valid.
> >
> >

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