Good morning Greg,

> Hi James,
> Could you elaborate on a L2 contract where speedy
> settlement of the "first part" can be done, while having the rest
> take their time? I'm more thinking about time-out based protocols.
> Naturally my mind drifts to LN, where getting the proper commitment
> transaction confirmed in a timely fashion is required to get the proper
> balances back. The one hitch is that for HTLCs you still need speedy
> resolution otherwise theft can occur. And given today's "layered
> commitment" style transaction where HTLCs are decoupled from
> the balance output timeouts, I'm not sure this can save much.

As I understand it, layered commitments can be modified to use `OP_CTV`, which 
would be slightly smaller (need only to reveal a 32-byte `OP_CTV` hash on the 
witness instead of a 64-byte Taproot signature, or 73-byte classical 
pre-Taproot ECDSA signature), and is in fact precisely an example of the speedy 
settlement style.

> CTV style commitments have popped up in a couple places in my
> work on eltoo(emulated via APO sig-in-script), but mostly in the
> context of reducing interactivity in protocols, not in byte savings per se.

In many offchain cases, all channel participants would agree to some 
pre-determined set of UTXOs, which would be implemented as a transaction 
spending some single UTXO and outputting the pre-determined set of UTXOs.

The single UTXO can be an n-of-n of all participants, so that all agree by 
contributing their signatures:

* Assuming Taproot, the output address itself is 33 bytes (x4 weight).
* The n-of-n multisignature is 64 witness bytes (x1 weight). 

Alternatly the single UTXO can be a P2WSH that reveals an `OP_CTV`:

* The P2WSH is 33 bytes (x4 weight) --- no savings here.
* The revelation of the `<hash> OP_CTV` is 33 witness bytes (x1 weight).

Thus, as I understand it, `OP_CTV` can (almost?) always translate to a small 
weight reduction for such "everyone agrees to this set of UTXOs" for all 
offchain protocols that would require it.

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