More generally, some of the arguments against full RBF seem like debatable 
reasons (though not fully convincing) to possibly leave it off, and/or 
disabled by default, but definitely NOT reasons to remove the option and 
prevent users from deciding for themselves.

On Thursday 27 October 2022 15:37:27 Anthony Towns via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> "Can I prevent someone else's transaction from propagating" is almost
> the entirety of the question with -datacarrier, -datacarriersize and
> -permitbaremultisig though:

Not necessarily the entirety, no. Even if others would propagate it, you also 
don't want to waste _your_ bandwidth doing so. This also reveals a difference 
between the two policies: with RBF, you have _already_ spent resources 
propagating the first transaction (what this implies is not immediately 

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