On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 06:21:08PM +0100, yancy via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Protocol Devs,
> After reading through this email thread and BIP125, I'm curious if non-rbf
> nodes will relay full-rbf transactions and vice versa.  That is to say, if
> only one non-rbf node exists on the network, however, every other node
> implements full-rbf, will the transaction still be propagated?  IE can we
> always guarantee a path through the network for either transaction type no
> matter what the combination of network policies are?

1) There are nodes that signal full-rbf, and preferentially peer to each other,
thus ensuring good transaction propagation. The most recent patch to implement
this is: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25600

There's enough peers running full-rbf that the last time I started up a new
node on a fresh IP address, it happened to have a peer relaying full-rbf
replacements to it. And of course, if people want full-rbf to work more
reliably, it's very easy to just run some nodes with a large number of outgoing
peers. Changing the hard-coded 8 outgoing peers to, say, 800, isn't very hard.

2) There's nothing special about a "full-rbf transaction" other than the fact
that it's replacing a previously broadcast transaction that didn't signal
replacement. There is not consensus over the mempool, so in certain cases
non-full-rbf nodes will in fact broadcast replacements when they didn't happen
to receive the "first" transaction first.

The latter makes testing full-rbf a bit problematic, as if you don't take
special measures to ensure good propagation a small % of the time the
"replacement" transaction will in fact be the one that gets gets mined.

> > Does fullrbf offer any benefits other than breaking zeroconf
> > business practices?  If so, what are they?
> I think AJ mentioned this earlier, but adding more configuration options
> always increases code complexity, and with that, there is likely more
> unforeseen bugs.  However, there is a section of network participants that
> rely on both types of transaction policy, so from my limited view-point, it
> seems worth accommodating if possible.

Since all the machinery to do replacemnt already exists, adding a full-rbf
config flag is particularly trivial. It requires just a single line in the
mempool code.

https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org

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