An easy but possibly very important tip:

If you use only UPPER CASE alpha and numbers in codex32, and avoid most
punctuation, it makes QR rendering of it significantly smaller. This is
because the QR code to the ISO SPEC, when seeing lowercase, assumes the
value is binary, then converts it to a two byte value. If instead, the
codex32 is all upper, and it uses only the 45 allowed characters (see , it will leave
it single byte and try to compress it. Of course it doesn’t compress well,
but that is OK because it at least didn’t double the size first.

See our research on this topic at

A superior QR codec can do better (see our or but many platforms
and more basic QR codecs will double the size of the QR if you have any
lower case.

— Christopher Allen
bitcoin-dev mailing list

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