Good morning Russel and List,

That is correct. There is a counterparty-compatible project called STAMPS that 
breaks up image data into chunks and then embeds the chunks in bare multisig 
outputs. here is an example on one:
This consumes more space and bloats the UTXO set compared to stuffing data in a 

There are schemes like Pay-to-Contact 
 that could be used to tweak a pubkey with a small blob of data, in which case 
someone could​ produce a signature proving knowledge of the private key.

------- Original Message -------
On Monday, August 21st, 2023 at 10:47 AM, Russell O'Connor via bitcoin-dev 
<> wrote:

> It's been said before, but I'll say it again:
> If we ban "arbitrary data", however you want to define it, then actors will 
> simply respond by encoding their data within sets of public keys. Public key 
> data is indistinguishable from random data, and, unless we are willing to pad 
> the blockchain with proof of knowledge of secret keys, there will be no way 
> to tell a priori whether a given public key is really a public key or whether 
> it is encoding an inscription or some other data.
> When certain governments try to censor certain internet protocols, users 
> respond by tunnelling their protocol through something that appears to be 
> innocent HTTPS (see Tor bridge nodes). This works because, after a handshake, 
> the remaining HTTPS stream, like public keys, is indistinguishable from 
> random data, and can be used as a communications channel for arbitrary data. 
> If we attempt to ban "arbitrary data", those users will simply respond by 
> "tunneling" their data over innocent-looking public key data instead.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Counterparty has, in the past, 
> encoded their data within public key data, so this concern is not 
> hypothetical.
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 10:29 AM Chris Martl via bitcoin-dev 
> <> wrote:
>> It is already more than a half year since the probably mayor Bitcoin script 
>> exploit started.
>> These exploits are nothing new in the Bitcoin history and mostly are due to 
>> the loose flexibility of the system in regards of processing predicatives 
>> (Bitcoin script). The very first mayor bug; if you wish, vulnerability, was 
>> the CVE-2010-5141, which still engages us without end even after 14 years.
>> Subsequent Bitcoin historical events let to build more “improvements” upon 
>> this wobbly basis exposing even more ground for exploits.
>> As long as this loose flexibility is not modified in a way its exposure for 
>> exploits is eliminated remains nothing else than to pursue other strategies; 
>> and ones which are compatible with the current status quo and furthermore, 
>> with a permission-less system.
>> Here a strategy proposal:
>> Let’s name it: #Ordisrespector and #Ordislow.
>> Why #Ordisrespector and #Ordislow are compatible with a permission-less 
>> system.
>> #Ordisrespector gives the option to a regular Bitcoin node operator to 
>> opt-in or not to a self-defense of his/her storage property (and thus of 
>> his/her integrity); by giving a signal of dissatisfaction with the current 
>> affairs of aggression via insertion of arbitrary data into the witness 
>> structure. This dissatisfaction signal is manifested by not taking into the 
>> mempool and relaying transactions with inserted arbitrary data in the 
>> witness structure.
>> #Ordislow gives the option to a regular Bitcoin node operator to opt-in or 
>> not to a self-defense of his/her storage property (and thus of his/her 
>> integrity); by increasing the coercion cost of mining-entities relative to 
>> the cooperation cost of mining-entities due to the current affairs of 
>> aggression via insertion of arbitrary data into the witness structure. This 
>> coercion cost increment is manifested by not propagating a found block, 
>> unless a configurable or maximum delay has elapsed, which contains at least 
>> a transaction with inserted arbitrary data in the witness structure.
>> Chris_______________________________________________
>> bitcoin-dev mailing list
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