[Formatted version of this post is here: 

Hi all,

BIP 21 [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0021.mediawiki] defines 
a URI scheme for making Bitcoin payments and the purpose of the URI scheme is 
to enable users to easily make payments by simply clicking links on webpages or 
scanning QR Codes. An example of a BIP21 URI is:


Now to make it easier, these URIs are typically clickable. Bitcoin wallets 
register the "bitcoin" URI scheme so that a BIP21 URI is parsed and data are 
pre-filled in a form to send your bitcoin to a recipient. Notably, wallets do 
not send your bitcoin once you click a BIP21 URI, there is still a confirmation 
step that requires user's attention. Very similar experience is with a QR code 
that encodes a BIP21 URI where one just scans a QR code and data is, again, 
pre-filled in a wallet's UI for your convenience.

While working on Wasabi's BIP21 implementation I noticed that based on the 
BIP21 grammar 
it is actually allowed to specify URI parameters multiple times. This means 
that the following URI is actually valid:

 (note that the 'amount' parameter is specified twice)

Bitcoin Core implements "the last value wins" behavior[^3] so amount=1.004 will 
be taken into account and not "amount=0.004"[^4]. However, in general, the fact 
that the same parameter can be specified multiple times can lead to a confusion 
for users and developers[^1][^2]. In the worst case, it might be exploited by 
some social engineering attempts by attempting to craft a 'clever' BIP21 URI 
and exploting behavior of a particular wallet software. For the record, I'm not 
aware that it actually happens, so this is rather a concern.

The main question of this post is: Is it useful to allow specifying BIP21 
parameters multiple times or is it rather harmful?


[^1]: https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver/pull/1510
[^3]: I added a test to that effect in 
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/27928/files, see 
 You can test your wallet's behavior by scanning the last image here 
https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/pull/10578#issue-1687564404 (or 
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