Good morning Antoine,

Does `OP_EVICT` not fit?


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------- Original Message -------
On Monday, September 25th, 2023 at 6:18 PM, Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev 
<> wrote:

> Payment pools and channel factories are afflicted by severe interactivity 
> constraints worsening with the number of users owning an off-chain balance in 
> the construction. The security of user funds is paramount on the ability to 
> withdraw unilaterally from the off-chain construction. As such any update 
> applied to the off-chain balances requires a signature contribution from the 
> unanimity of the construction users to ensure this ability is conserved along 
> updates.
> As soon as one user starts to be offline or irresponsive, the updates of the 
> off-chain balances must have to be halted and payments progress are limited 
> among subsets of 2 users sharing a channel. Different people have proposed 
> solutions to this issue: introducing a coordinator, partitioning or layering 
> balances in off-chain users subsets. I think all those solutions have circled 
> around a novel issue introduced, namely equivocation of off-chain balances at 
> the harm of construction counterparties [0].
> As ZmnSCPxj pointed out recently, one way to mitigate this equivocation 
> consists in punishing the cheating pre-nominated coordinator on an external 
> fidelity bond. One can even imagine more trust-mimized and decentralized 
> fraud proofs to implement this mitigation, removing the need of a coordinator 
> [1].
> However, I believe punishment equivocation to be game-theory sound should 
> compensate a defrauded counterparty of the integrity of its lost off-chain 
> balance. As one cheating counterparty can equivocate in the worst-case 
> against all the other counterparties in the construction, one fidelity bond 
> should be equal to ( C - 1 ) * B satoshi amount, where C is the number of 
> construction counterparty and B the initial off-chain balance of the cheating 
> counterparty.
> Moreover, I guess it is impossible to know ahead of a partition or transition 
> who will be the "honest" counterparties from the "dishonest" ones, therefore 
> this ( C - 1 ) * B-sized fidelity bond must be maintained by every 
> counterparty in the pool or factory. On this ground, I think this mitigation 
> and other corrective ones are not economically practical for large-scale 
> pools among a set of anonymous users.
> I think the best solution to solve the interactivity issue which is realistic 
> to design is one ruling out off-chain group equivocation in a prophylactic 
> fashion. The pool or factory funding utxo should be edited in an efficient 
> way to register new off-chain subgroups, as lack of interactivity from a 
> subset of counterparties demands it.
> With CoinPool, there is already this idea of including a user pubkey and 
> balance amount to each leaf composing the Taproot tree while preserving the 
> key-path spend in case of unanimity in the user group. Taproot leaves can be 
> effectively regarded as off-chain user accounts available to realize 
> privacy-preserving payments and contracts.
> I think one (new ?) idea can be to introduce taproot leaves "cut-through" 
> spends where multiple leaves are updated with a single witness, interactively 
> composed by the owners of the spent leaves. This spend sends back the leaves 
> amount to a new single leaf, aggregating the amounts and user pubkeys. The 
> user leaves not participating in this "cut-through" are inherited with full 
> integrity in the new version of the Taproot tree, at the gain of no 
> interactivity from their side.
> Let's say you have a CoinPool funded and initially set with Alice, Bob, 
> Caroll, Dave and Eve. Each pool participant has a leaf L.x committing to an 
> amount A.x and user pubkey P.x, where x is the user name owning a leaf.
> Bob and Eve are deemed to be offline by the Alice, Caroll and Dave subset 
> (the ACD group).
> The ACD group composes a cut-through spend of L.a + L.c + L.d. This spends 
> generates a new leaf L.(acd) leaf committing to amount A.(acd) and P.(acd).
> Amount A.(acd) = A.a + A.c + A.d and pubkey P.(acd) = P.a + P.c + P.d.
> Bob's leaf L.b and Eve's leaf L.e are left unmodified.
> The ACD group generates a new Taproot tree T' = L.(acd) + L.b + L.e, where 
> the key-path K spend including the original unanimity of pool counterparties 
> is left unmodified.
> The ACD group can confirm a transaction spending the pool funding utxo to a 
> new single output committing to the scriptpubkey K + T'.
> From then, the ACD group can pursue off-chain balance updates among the 
> subgroup thanks to the new P.(acd) and relying on the known Eltoo mechanism. 
> There is no possibility for any member of the ACD group to equivocate with 
> Bob or Eve in a non-observable fashion.
> Once Bob and Eve are online and ready to negotiate an on-chain pool "refresh" 
> transaction, the conserved key-path spend can be used to re-equilibrate the 
> Taproot tree, prune out old subgroups unlikely to be used and provision 
> future subgroups, all with a compact spend based on signature aggregation.
> Few new Taproot tree update script primitives have been proposed, e.g [2]. 
> Though I think none with the level of flexibility offered to generate leaves 
> cut-through spends, or even batch of "cut-through" where M subgroups are 
> willing to spend N leaves to compose P new subgroups fan-out in Q new 
> outputs, with showing a single on-chain witness. I believe such a 
> hypothetical primitive can also reduce the chain space consumed in the 
> occurrence of naive mass pool withdraws at the same time.
> I think this solution to the high-interactivity issue of payment pools and 
> factories shifts the burden on each individual user to pre-commit fast 
> Taproot tree traversals, allowing them to compose new pool subgroups as 
> fluctuations in pool users' level of liveliness demand it. Pool efficiency 
> becomes the sum of the quality of user prediction on its counterparties' 
> liveliness during the construction lifetime. Recursive taproot tree spends or 
> more efficient accumulator than merkle tree sounds ideas to lower the 
> on-chain witness space consumed by every pool in the average non-interactive 
> case.
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> [0] 
> [1] 
> [2] 
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