Good morning list,

I have been thinking further on this with regards to BitVM.

By my initial analyses, it seems that BitVM *cannot* be used to improve this 

What we want is to be able to restrict the actuary to only signing for a 
particular spend exactly once.
The mechanism proposed in the original post is to force `R` reuse by fixing `R`.
This requires a change in Bitcoin consensus on top of `SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT` 
(which is desirable not only for its enablement of Decker-Russell-Osuntokun, 
which is multiparticipant, but also makes it more convenient as we can make 
changes in the offchain mechanism state asynchronously with the participants 
and actuary signing off on new transactions; we can "lock" the next state to 
some set of transactions occurring, then have the actuary "confirm" new 
transactions by signing them, then have the signature still be valid on the new 
state due to `SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT` ignoring the actual input transaction ID).

The best I have been able to come up with is to have a program that checks if 
two signatures sign different things but have the same public key.
If this program validates, then the actuary is known to have cheated and we can 
arrange for the actuary to lose funds if this program validates.
However, BitVM triggers on DIShonest execution of the program, so that program 
cannot be used as-is.
Honest execution of the program leads to the BitVM contract resolving via 
I have tried to figure out some way to change the "polarity" of the logic so 
that the actuary is punished, but it requires that the actuary act as validator 
instead of prover (and the aggrieved participant who was expecting the actuary 
to not violate the sign-only-once is the prover, which makes little sense, as 
the participant can challenge the actuary and force it to put up funds, then 
neglect to actually prove anything and enter the default timeout case where the 
prover gets the funds --- it has to be the actuary in the prover position, only 
getting back its funds after a timeout).

The opposite of showing that there exists two signatures with different 
messages but the same public key is to show that there does not exist any other 
signatures with a different message but same public key.
If such a program were written, then it would be trivial to make that program 
pass by simply denying it an input of any other signature, and an actuary in 
prover position can always commit to an input that lacks the second signature 
it made.

The actuary can run a program *outside* of BitVM, so it is also pointless to 
have the signing algorithm be written in BitVM.

Finally, in the actuarial system, the actuary is supposed to provide 
*something* that would make a transaction be immediately confirmable, instead 
of after a timeout.
But in BitVM, the *something* that the prover provides that makes some 
transaction immediately confirmable is to provide a dishonest execution of a 
BitVM program; it is the timeout that is the honest execution of the BitVM 
In addition, the actuary should be restricted so that it can only show this for 
*one* transaction, and not for any other transactions.
There are more possible dishonest executions of a BitVM program than just one, 
but only one honest execution, which is the opposite of what we want.

So, so far, I have not been able to figure out how to use BitVM to replace the 
current forced `R` reuse mechanism for preventing multiple times the actuary 

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