hello,I'm Joe.I have a simple and easy-to-remember personalized mnemonic 
generation scheme. Users can customize any sentence, support multiple languages 
without language restrictions, map out the corresponding mnemonic, and thus 
replace the mnemonic's memory.
This is an upgraded version based on the BIP-39 proposals, making it easier and 
more effective for users to obtain their mnemonics, without worrying about 
forgetting the mnemonic, or even without having to write down the mnemonic. It 
only requires the user to remember the customized sentence.
The principle of the code mainly involves processing the user-defined sentence 
with the sha256 algorithm to generate corresponding entropy, and then obtaining 
the corresponding mnemonic through entropy. This method is fully compatible 
with the bip39 proposals.

Reference implementation:  https://github.com/zhouxiaofeng-zxf/nico


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