> I was in brmlab and wanted to pay 1 BTC for a Club Mate. They had on the wall 
> a picture of their QR code and a bitcoin address. I don't own a mobile phone 
> so the QR code is
> useless. Then I remembered FirstBits, went to my terminal and typed
> 1brmlab. I got their bitcoin address from the website and copied that,
> then opened my terminal and pasted that in to send 1 BTC.

ok, imagine if firstbits didn't exist. instead of going to firstbits,
you would have gone to your terminal, opened up brmlabs website, and
copied the address from there?

there may be some arguments for name-> address translation, but i'm
sorry to say, that your example is not one of them. if anything, it
seems to suggest that firstbits is completely useless, since it saves
approximately zero effort.

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