On Monday, September 10, 2012 3:07:52 PM Matthew Mitchell wrote:
> Here is a BIP draft for improving the block relaying and validation so that
> it can be done in parallel and so that redundancy can be removed. This
> becomes more beneficial the larger the block sizes are.
> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/User:MatthewLM/ImprovedBlockRelayingProposal

Most of the problem with block propagation lies in implementation, not 
protocol... Distributing missing transaction on an as-needed basis is a 
possible improvement at the protocol level, but there hasn't (AFAIK) been any 
research into whether the little benefit outweighs the cost yet. In any case, 
I don't see why 6 new messages are needed instead of simply adding a single 
new type to getinv?

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