On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:53:19AM -0700, Evan Duffield wrote:
> Hello,
> We’re a startup looking for 1 or 2 really good C++ programmer that is
> familiar with the bitcoin internals to help with a for-profit startup.
> We will be able to provide more information about the project after signing
> a non-compete/non-disclosure agreement. Our coin will be one of the truly
> unique coins that are not just a clone of the original Bitcoin code. In
> short the project will be a merge-mined altcoin that will provide a very
> useful service to the whole crypto-coin ecosystem.
> If you have added any features to Bitcoin or related technologies this is a
> definite bonus. Please include information about the work you’re done in
> the space.
> We have detailed plans on how to implement it and the roles we are looking
> to fill. If interested please email eduffiel...@gmail.com with a
> description of your work experience and we’ll vett the applications and
> share our plans to see if you’re interested.
> Thanks,
> Evan & Kyle
> Hawk Financial Group, LLC

Evan & Kyle,

I have a very unique and one-of-a kind offer for you. I will buy your company
from the revenue generated from my AGPLv3 copyright licensed Minco.me(c) 
cryptographic currency, which will revolutionize work by ensuring that anyone
with a Mincome(C) address doesn't need to work.

Ask yourself.. why would someone who can write a cryptocurrency want to *work*
for you, to get paid with... money.. that they can just ...
  ** write code that makes them money **

Please be aware that any concept(s) that I have publicly discussed, or that 
we may or may not have talked about if I would have signed a non-enforceable
non-compete agreement are COPYRIGHT 2013,2014 Troy Benjegerdes, and that I
would advise you seek competent legal council to ensure that this email, or
any other contact we may or may not have had does not contaminate your 
business model with a viral copyright license.

To everyone else on this list, I'm sorry, I just could not resist feeding 
the VC/marketing trolls.

-- Troy, 'da hozer'

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