On 3 January 2014 06:22, Troy Benjegerdes <ho...@hozed.org> wrote:

> I believe this is self-explainatory:
> 1) Bitcoin usually runs on port 8333. Why?
> 2) Bitcoin does not show in up
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xhtml..
>  why?
> 3) What needs to happen to have someone from the Bitcoin foundation
>   to fill out the form asking for an assigned port (see
>   http://www.iana.org/form/ports-services )
> 4) what should the process be for new cryptocoins to get both default
> port numbers, as well as P2P network identifier 'magic numbers'

IANA normally register ports with the principle of conservation in mind.
See section 7.2 of RFC6335 for more details.


8333 and 18333 are currently unassigned, which is good news.

Ideally it would be good to have two ports, one for the main net, and one
for the test net.  However, in light of conservation only one may be
granted.  The question as to whether traffic could be multiplexed over a
single port may be raised.

tnp                8321        udp    Thin(ium) Network Protocol
[Aly_Orady]                                        [Aly_Orady]
                 8322-8350            Unassigned
server-find        8351        tcp    Server Find
[Chris_Brown]                                      [Chris_Brown]

gv-pf              18262       udp    GV NetConfig Service
[Scott_Libert]                                     [Scott_Libert]
                18263-18462           Unassigned
ac-cluster         18463       tcp    AC Cluster


If a whole slew of alt coins also tried to reserve ports, I suspect that
may raise eyebrows.

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