Just a small note of caution for those joining in testing.

Currently the master branch has this issue where leveldb renames all of
.sst files to .ldb.  This makes running the 0.8.x version of Bitcoin think
the index is corrupt.  Until a fix is included in Bitcoin master, a
workaround to allow 0.8.x to work again is to simply rename all the files
from .ldb back to .sst.

(This workaround worked for me today but failed yesterday.  It's possible I
made an error yesterday.  If it fails for you please report as we really
need to know if there are other leveldb incompatibilities.)

The fix for Bitcoin's leveldb is being discussed here.


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:09 PM, Wladimir <laa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> It has been way to long since last major release. Many improvements and
> new features have been added to master since, so we'd like to do a 0.9rc1
> release soon.
> The current aim is next month, February 2014.
> Of course there are still some open issues that need to be resolved before
> release
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues?milestone=12&state=open
> If there is something else that you're working on and needs to end up in
> 0.9, or know of some nasty bug in master that should absolutely be solved
> first, please tell.
> Wladimir
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