On 04/08/2014 03:53 PM, Pieter Wuille wrote:
> Let me offer an alternative suggestion, which is compatible with the
> original default BIP32 structure:
> * You can use one seed across different chains, but the master nodes
> are separate.
> * To derive the master node from the seed, the key string "Bitcoin
> seed" is replaced by something chain-specific.
> * Every encoded node (including master nodes) has a chain-specific
> serialization magic.

This is possible, but I find it much more practical to use just one list
(assignment of coins to indexes) than to use two lists (assignment of
coins to key strings and to serialization magic).

Keeping two lists is harder and adds unnecessary friction. (Also I am
not very happy for the possibility we'll have to deal with key strings
"sCAMCo1N RULEZZZZ!!!! bRoUghT TO YoU bY M4rty" and serialization magic
that leads to prefix "lulz").

Also from wallet's implementer perspective it is a little easier to use
just one root node and then descend in tree as needed than to use method
you described.

Best Regards / S pozdravom,

Pavol Rusnak <st...@gk2.sk>

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