On 09/28/2014 10:35 PM, Peter Todd wrote: > This can be solved by upgrading the address format at > the same time to let senders know they must send the funds in a > transaction with an increased version number, but obviously needing new > addresses for every new opcode defeats the purpose of P2SH.
Can't this be solved with a single update to the address format, allowing a tx version number to be part of the address serialization? Then the sending software will apply that version to the payment tx. Of course, I'm not sure if allowing nodes to create transactions with version numbers outside of their programming is safe. It seems like it should be since we're talking about soft forks anyway, but there's probably some subtleties I'm overlooking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slashdot TV. Videos for Nerds. Stuff that Matters. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=160591471&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk _______________________________________________ Bitcoin-development mailing list Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development