On 2015-02-15 17:13, Tamas Blummer wrote:
> On Feb 15, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Peter Todd <p...@petertodd.org> wrote:
>> Yes you are dicking around.
> I thought I was clear, that I am using Bitcoin Core as border router
> talking to its P2P interface.
> The reimplementation of consensus code helped me to deeply understand
> the protocol, aids debugging
> and now comes handy to create a side chain.
>> Don't assume your prior experience with other commercial projects
> Acquire some before you claim its useless.

^^^ THIS ^^^

Can we recognize Peter Todd's lack of respect and outright 
unprofesionalism here?

Peter: Someone so young with so little actual experience shouldn't be 
going around so casually bad-mouthing the work of others or dismissing 
people with decades more experience than you. Don't write long angry 
rants against the ideas of others when you haven't even read what they 
have to say. Own up to it when you get caught doing it. You'll find out 
the hard way that blackmailing people, even your clients, into using 
your ideas may get you attention, but it'll make you a pariah in the 
long run. (does encouraging illegal fraud belong on this mailing list?) 
Remember that twitter is public. Do you really want future employers 
reading jokes about pedophilia and rape? Do you want to be known for 
snappy one liners and giving journalists headlines or writing solid code 
that gets used by real businesses? (not "DarkLeaks") Are you trying to 
be a rock star or team member?

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